03 2023 projects BAB 064/23: A European Forum for Revitalisation of Marginalised Mountain Areas (COST Action) - MARGISTAR 2023-03-08
07 2021 projects BF 157/17: ESPON ALPS 2050. Common spatial perspectives for the Alpine area. Towards a common vision 2021-07-13
07 2021 projects BF 143/15: Public Ecosystem Goods and Services from land management – Unlocking the Synergies (PEGASUS) 2021-07-12
07 2021 projects BAB 002/86: Preparation of documents for the mountain farm cadastre (BHK) and the severity point system 2021-07-09
12 2020 projects BAB 044/20: The Challenge of Land Abandonment after 2020 and Options for Mitigating Measures 2020-12-17
12 2020 projects BAB 036/20: Calculation of the compensatory allowance for disadvantaged areas 2020-12-16
12 2020 projects BAB 030/19: Implementing LEADER in Mestia municipality for better livelihoods in high mountainous regions of Georgia 2020-12-15
07 1988 publikationen/archiv/archiv_babf FF01: Austria's mountain farmers - importance and promotion 1988-07-12