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RURACTIVE - Local workshop in Jormannsdorf
- 05. Feb 25
As part of the Horizon Europe project RURACTIVE, the 2nd local
workshop for the design and discussion of ‘challenges’ and their
possible solutions in the South Burgenland study region, took place
on 23th January 2025. The 15 particip...

BIOECO-UP at the BIOEAST Science-policy dialogue
- 28. Nov 24
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Networking event "Young Generation"
- 14. Nov 24
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COST Connect Event on Agriculture and its products
- 25. Oct 24
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Featured Articles
Abschlussbericht: UniClaD
- 24. Oct 24
Verbesserung der universitären Kapazitäten zur
Clusterentwicklung bei den Themen Innovation und Nachhaltigkeit Die Teilnahme an Clustern ermöglicht es Bildungseinrichtungen
den Studierenden verschiedener Leistungsebenen praktische
FactSheet 013: Enhancing Social Inclusion in Rural Areas
- 26. Jul 24
This factsheet presents an initial conceptual framework aimed at
understanding how the social and solidarity economy (SSE), through
social innovation (SI), can promote social inclusion, a good life,
resilience and sustainability in rural...
Abschlussbericht: Vergleich der Agrarstrukturerhebungen 2020 und 2010
- 14. Jun 24
Kurzzusammenfassung Gegenüber 2010 haben sich im Rahmen der Agrarstrukturerhebung
2020 einige Erhebungskriterien zur Erfassung land- und
forstwirtschaftlicher Betriebe geändert. In dieser Arbeit wurden
die zugrundeliegenden Daten für ...
Federal Institute of Agricultural Economics, Rural and Mountain Research
The Federal Institute of Agricultural Economics, Rural and Mountain Research (BAB) is affiliated to the Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Regions and Water Management (BML) and constitutes a leading socio-economic research institute for agricultural policy, the food industry, farming and rural areas, particularly including mountain regions.
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BF 157/17: ESPON ALPS 2050. Common spatial perspectives for the Alpine area. Towards a common vision
The alpine space is characterized by a great territorial
diversity, ranging from specific morphological differences between
the northern and southern, western and eastern alpine space to the
diverse configuration of economic, ecological,...
BF 156/17: ROBUST - Rural-Urban Outlooks: Unlocking Synergies
ObjectiveSpatial development processes are increasingly characterised by exchange relationships between different regions. This also includes the different spatial types, so that urban-rural relationships are becoming increasingly impor...
BF 155/17: Rural Space 4.0? - Stocktaking and Critical Reception
Désirée Ehlers, Oliver Tamme
The progressive spread of the internet (keyword digitalisation) in
almost all areas of life has gone hand in hand with rapid technical
development in recent years. In order to be able to use the
Federal Institute
of Agricultural Economics,
Rural and Mountain Research
BF 152/16: Climate change adaptation and protection from natural hazards: Capacity building for people with migration background in Austria (CCCapMig)
Ingrid Machold, Thomas Dax, Oliver Tamme, Thilo Nigmann
The Austrian Climate Fund supports research projects that deal with aspects of climate change, its impacts in Austria and possible adaptation measures. In the 8th call for proposals...
BF 151/16: The development of social networks for the direct marketing of fruit and vegetables
as well as for the integration of asylum seekers in rural areasThe central concern is the use of local resources, especially with regard to the offer of regional organic products, as well as to analyse social processes around the integr...