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FactSheet 011: The female face of agriculture and forestry
Spotlights on developments and empowerment potentials Since the reinforced emergence of feminist issues in the 1970s and the subsequent institutionalisation of gender-equality policy the visibility of women has also been increasing in Austrian agriculture and forestry. Not only do women in most cases shoulder the main responsibility for the household and all the latter entails but they are also playing active roles in agriculture, forestry, diversification and many other areas. In this...
Congress of the Austrian Sociological Society, ÖGS
From July 3-5, 2023, the Congress of the Austrian Sociological Association (ÖGS) took place at WU Vienna under the title "Critical Times". More than 300 exciting lectures in over 100 events, including keynotes, plenaries, ad hoc groups, section events and special events offered a rich program for the visitors. The BAB was involved in the organization of two section events (cooperation of the Urban Research and Rural Social Research sections of ÖGS): - Conceptual (De-)Constructions of the...
Participation in the 3rd Caucasus Mountain Forum in Georgia
The 3rd Caucasus Mountain Forum on "Transdiciplinarity for Sustainable Tourism Development: Role of Caucasus Scientists" took place in Kutaisi, Georgia, from 4-6 July 2023. It was complemented by a field trip to the mountain region of Svaneti, which showed participants the specific challenges and opportunities of sustainable mountain development. Thomas Dax, who together with Theresia Oedl-Wieser has recently provided expertise on the implementation of local development initiatives in...
GI_Salzburg23 - Conference for Geoinformation in July 2023
The GI Forum Salzburg is a major annual conference in the field of geoinformatics, GIS and information technology. The event provides a platform for scientists, industry experts and professionals to exchange ideas, research results and experiences. The main topics of this event were the challenges of the advancing climate change, future-oriented mobility as well as open source tools and open (government) data. The BAB's contribution is also to be found in the latter area. Lena Mitterhuber...
GIS Jour fixe at HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein in June 2023
Three times a year an inter-agency GIS Jour fixe takes place in the agricultural sector to maintain a permanent exchange of knowledge, initiate and coordinate projects for all topics with direct or indirect spatial reference. Host for the date from 19. to 20.06.2023 was the HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein. It was possible to participate both physically on site and via Zoom. BAB was represented on site by five people. Topics discussed included geospatial base data, REST GDI agriculture, land use...
Competent into the future - young people research climate change
As part of the k.i.d.Z.21 project, a researcher's week was held at the beginning of July for second grade students at the Radstadt secondary school. They were able to acquire competencies in adaptation strategies and action skills in dealing with climate change. The young people were allowed to conduct their own research and were supported by experts in the fields of tourism, glaciers, botany and environmental ethics. BAB staff member Heidi Grüneis accompanied the children on the topic of...
European Congress for Rural Sociology
From 3 - 7 July 2023, the European Congress of Rural Sociology of the ESRS (European Society for Rural Sociology) took place in Rennes, France, dedicated to the issues of "Crises and Futures of Rural Areas". https://esrs2023.institut-agro-rennes-angers.fr/ With 32 working groups as well as various excursions and side events, the approximately 400 participants were offered an extensive and varied programme. The BAB was involved in the organisation of three working groups: WG 4 - The Role of...
CoRoots project meeting in Covilha, Portugal
In July, the third meeting of the Erasmus+ project "CoRoots" ("Communicating roots: co-learning to improve rural resilience and governance") took place. This time, 2 colleagues from BAB and 5 participants from Spain travelled to Covilhã, Portugal, to see social innovation projects in rural areas on the ground. As an introduction, the hosts PRIP (Prout Research Institute) and the Universidade Beira Interior presented their theoretical and methodological approaches at the university in...
DI M.Sc. Thomas RESL
Director Thomas Resl has left the Federal Institute of Agriculture and Mining for the private sector as of 31 August 2023. Until a new director is appointed, his deputy Thomas Dax is in charge.
CoRoots project meeting in Soria, Spain
In the framework of the project CoRoots (Co-learning methods to improve resilience management in rural areas) the project meeting with Spanish and Portuguese project partners took place this time in Soria (Central Spain). The region is characterised by migration and is very sparsely populated. On the barren soils of the cold plateau, the landscape is characterised by hat pastures and barley fields (for beer production). Cives Mundi - our Spanish project partner - is an NGO dedicated to...
Erasmus+ Project: Strengthening Social Capital in Rural Communities for Rural Development Social Capital
The Erasmus+ Project "Strengthening Social Capital in Rural Communities for Rural Development" aims to elaborate and communicate the topic of social capital for extension workers for rural development processes in Turkey https://www.utemooc.org/. The training materials and short videos about the eight study regions in Austria, Portugal, Spain and Turkey, are accessible for extension workers - following the principle of train the trainer - as well as for the residents in rural regions of...
Contribution to the conference: Bridging the Gender Gap in Rural Mountain Regions - Challenges: Digitalization as an opportunity - Case study Mestia (Georgia)
The contribution of Theresia Oedl-Wieser dealt with the empowerment of women in a high mountain region in Georgia or results of community-led local development initiatives. Among other things, it was shown that many local activities are based on long-term socio-cultural processes that require a deep awareness of site-specific conditions and sufficient time for the development of adapted measures. The presentation of Th. Oedl-Wieser starts at minute 52:26 and can be accessed at the following...