
2024 / 09

ÖGA Conference in Vienna

On September 19 and 20, 2024, the 34th Annual Conference of the Austrian Society for Agricultural Economics took place at BOKU Vienna with the theme “Global Challenges for Agricultural and Food Systems in Europe”. The plenary session dedicated to the general topic of the conference ranged from geopolitical challenges for the European agricultural and food system (Gabriel Felbermayr, WIFO) to the design of global supply chains using the example of the new EU supply chain law (Christine...

20th ERDN Conferenz in Vilnius

The 20th conference of the European Rural Development Network (ERDN) with the theme “Green Transformation in the European Rural Areas” took place from 11 - 13.9.2024 at the Lithuanian Center for Social Sciences, Institute of Economics and Rural Development in Vilnius. Contributions from institutions from Brazil, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Kosovo, Latvia, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Spain and the Czech Republic dealt with various topics of rural development, such...

2024 / 05

Estimating the Informal Economy in EU-15 Agriculture, 1996-2019. A top cited paper

This paper is one of the top 10 most-cited papers in the international journal Agribusiness. For the first time, the authors Friedrich Schneider, Mangirdas Morkunas, and Erika Quendler estimate the informal economy in the agricultural sector. The focus is on the 15 "old" EU countries over a period of 23 years. This achievment highlights the significance of the 'informal economy' in agricultural economics.

2nd World Agritourism Congress

From 16 to 18 May 2024, the 2nd World Agritourism Congress, titled "Agritourism is more!", was held at the EURAC in Bolzano, South Tyrol. This event served as a global forum for scientists, practitioners, associations, stakeholders, businesses, and various other participants. With the main focus on sustainability, the aim was to explore the state-of-the-art, challenges, opportunities, and limitations of agritourism along with future development perspectives in rural areas worldwide. With 11...

2024 / 02

Horizon Europe Project SERIGO - Kick Off Event at BAB

From 13.02.-15.02.2024, the BAB hosted the kick-off meeting of the Horizon Europe project SERIGO in Vienna. The SERIGO project generates evidence-based theoretical and practicable knowledge on how the Social and Solidarity Economy (SSE) can support resilience, social inclusion, and ‘good life’ in European rural areas. Based on the research results and findings , recommendations will be developed on which framework conditions and policy measures are necessary to promote these objectives....

Workshop: Bioeconomy and the CAP

Measures to support a sustainable and/or circular bioeconomy are not limited to bioeconomy action plans, but can also be defined in other policy frameworks, such as the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP). On this topic, the online workshop “How to support a sustainable and/or circular bioeconomy through policy” was organised on 1 February 2024 in the BIOECO-UP project. The aim was to exchange information and experiences on the development, implementation and financing of bioeconomy...

US Students Exploring European Agriculture: An Interview with Erika Quendler

26 Jan 2024: Three ambitious students from Washington University - Dorothy Harbaugh, Ria Bakhaya, and Isabel Goldstein - were sent out to learn more about European agriculture. They interviewed Erika Quendler, discussing the subjects of farm economics, challenges and concerns, political views and the EU's role in the sector. This interview significantly deepened their understanding of Austrian agriculture and its connection to global political dynamics.

2024 / 04

Erika Quendler: Expert at the ShapingBio workshop on collaboration in Frankfurt

Erika Quendler participated in the ShapingBio workshop on April 18, 2024. When addressing the challenges, her input helped identify solutions to facilitate cross-sectoral collaboration in bioeconomy. Discussion benefited from her experience, leading to the creation of recommendations for this kind of collaboration. For more information about the ShapingBio workshop please visit LinkedIn und X.

APCC Special Report on Land Use and Climate Change

In the APCC Special Report on Land Use and Climate Change in Austria, the current state of knowledge was systematically reviewed, summarized and evaluated. An open process was developed and pursued that enabled the entire Austrian community of researchers and experts in the field of land system research to actively contribute. Heidi Grüneis contributed as lead author in Chapter 4: Adaptation options in land use to climate change. The report was published in April 2024 and is freely...

UniClaD Workshop and Steering Committee Meeting in Comrat and Chisinau, Moldova

At the beginning of April, a meeting took place as part of the Erasmus+ project "UniClaD" ("Enhancing Capacity Of Universities To Initiate And To Participate In Clusters Development On Innovation And Sustainability Principles"). With the participation of two BAB colleagues, topics such as IT in Agriculture, Creation of New Training Courses, Innovation in Agrifood Clusters, Lean Management in Agriculture, Agricultural Knowledge and Innovation System were dealt with in a three-day workshop at...

2024 / 06

BIOECO-UP: Elevator pitch and poster at the 2nd Agricultural and Forestry Sciences Conference 2024

The 2nd Agricultural and Forestry Science Conference took place in Vienna on 26.06.2024 and was dedicated to the topic “From the field to the future: Circular economy as a pioneer for innovation and sustainability”. The Federal Institute of Agricultural Economics and Mountain Farming presented the BIOECO-UP project at this conference by means of an elevator pitch and poster (in German, available for download below). “BIOECO-UP - Circular bioeconomy market uptake and policy support in...

2024 / 01

DI Mag. Dr. Martin SCHÖNHART

DI. Dr. Martin SCHÖNHART was appointed Director of the Federal Institute of Agricultural Economics, Rural and Mountain Research on January 8, 2024.

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