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RURACTIVE - Local workshop in Jormannsdorf
As part of the Horizon Europe project RURACTIVE, the 2nd local workshop for the design of so-called ‘challenges’ and their possible solutions in the South Burgenland study region took place on 23 January 2025. The 15 participants from various sectors discussed the following challenges: (i) Inadequate culinary provision for cyclists - tourists and locals - along the railway line, (ii) Insufficient voluntary commitment to environmental and nature conservation in Southern Burgenland, (iii)...
Networking event "Young Generation"
On November 12, 2024, AMA-Marketing hosted the networking event "Young Generation" at its facilities. Katrin Hofer, Sarah Lappöhn, Lena Mitterhuber, and Astrid Reitter accepted the invitation, along with nearly 100 young colleagues under the age of 40 from the Austrian Chamber of Agriculture, the Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Regions and Water Management, the Austrian Hail Insurance Cooperative, AGES (Austrian Agency for Health and Food Safety), AMA, and AMA-Marketing. This...
BIOECO-UP at the BIOEAST Science-policy dialogue
On 27.11.2024, the Croatian Chamber of Agriculture organised the BIOEAST Science-Policy Dialogue “Bioenergy Smart Choices in Difficult Times” with 35 participants. The Federal Institute of Agricultural Economics and Mountain Farming presented results from the BIOECO-UP project on the topic of “How can EU policy support the bioeconomy?”. “BIOECO-UP - Circular bioeconomy market uptake and policy support in Central Europe” (CE0100254) is supported by the Interreg Central Europe...
Climate change, soil conservation measures and farm performance in Austria
Julian Zeilinger, Jochen Kantelhardt and Andreas Niedermayr published an article in which they investigate: (i) which factors influence participation in soil protection measures in the Austrian agri-environmental programme ÖPUL in arable farming regions and (ii) how participation in these measures affects the operating results of farms in the context of climate change. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/1477-9552.12620 Limiting the impact of climate change on agriculture is a...
International Conference on Socio-Ecological Systems and Agro-Pastoral Resources in the Challenges of Rural Areas in Rome
On October 3rd and 4th, an international conference titled "Socio-Ecological Systems and Agro-Pastoral Resources in the Challenges of Rural Areas" was held in Rome, organized by the Universitas Mercatorum. This event provided a valuable opportunity to explore the current challenges and developments in rural areas and their socio-ecological systems. Participants from Italy, France, Spain, Portugal, Algeria, etc. discussed a range of topics related to socio-ecological systems and agro-pastoral...
COST Connect Event on Agriculture and its products
The COST Connect event, titled “Agriculture and its products” took place on October 17-18 in Brussels with the aim of fostering interdisciplinary collaboration to address the complex challenges facing the agricultural sector. Somaye Latifi from BAB was one of the representatives of the COST Action MARGISTAR (Transforming marginalised mountainous areas towards their green, digital, and healthy futures) at this gathering. On the first day, policymakers and stakeholders shared insights into...
Cluster Development - UniClaD Final Conference
From September 30 to October 4 2024, various final events took place in Baku as part of the Erasmus+ project UniClaD (Support of Cluster Development at Universities). The results of the establishment of technology centers at universities in Azerbaijan, Moldova and Ukraine were presented over two workshopdays. In a following two-day public conference, selected results of the project were presented and discussed, e.g. cluster theories, comparison of policies and legal frameworks in the...
RUSTIK Project Meeting in Millstatt
From October 14th to 17th, this year’s meeting of the HEU project RUSTIK took place in Millstatt am See, Carinthia. The aim of the project is to support sustainable transformation processes in rural regions through Living Lab processes. The entire project consortium, consisting of scientific and practical partners from ten EU countries, gathered to reflect on the progress of the project and plan the next steps. Representing BAB, Ingrid Machold, Karin Schroll, Klaus Wagner, and Daria Ernst...
Erasmus+: BAB welcomed seven Ukrainian students
On October 3rd, Katrin Hofer and Astrid Reitter welcomed seven Ukrainian students to the BAB as part of their Erasmus+ trip. The aim was to provide them with a comprehensive overview of the activities and research areas of the Federal Institute. Using selected projects as examples, the wide range of topics was clearly presented, followed by a joint discussion on methods and possibilities for data collection and analysis.
3rd RURACTIVE Consortium meeting in Zamora
The RURACTIVE project aims to strengthen rural communities that are committed to local and regional change. The aim is to enable equitable and sustainable development of rural areas. RURACTIVE considers solutions as place-based practices, products, processes, etc. that are intended to lead rural communities to sustainable transformation through innovation. The Austrian example region (Dynamo) is southern Burgenland (Südburgenland). Our local partner is the Burgenland Business Agency (Thomas...
Second RUSTIK Living Lab Report with the Austrian Living Lab Nockregion-Oberkärnten Published
The second Living Lab report from the Horizon Europe project RUSTIK summarizes the findings of the 14 Living Labs in the pilot regions. Each Living Lab presents the work carried out during the second cycle of the project in 2024. A central focus of this phase were the so-called data experiments, which tested new data, methods, and analytical approaches to better understand the challenges of rural areas and to support the transition to sustainable and resilient structures through the targeted...
Integration of biodiversity in agriculture
On September 24, 2024, Prof. Dr. Sebastian Lakner from the University of Rostock visited the BAB and gave a lecture on the topic “Integration of biodiversity in agriculture - findings on causes and options for action”. Prof. Lakner highlighted the economic situation of biodiversity-promoting agricultural practices, as well as the risks of losing extensive grassland to abandonment or intensification. Prof. Lakner reported on his current research on the conservation of agricultural land...