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FF55: Integrative Gartenarbeit mit Flüchtlingen - arabische Version
Yesra Issak, Georg Wiesinger, Fritz Neuhauser, Sigrid Egartner Seit 2015 wurde Österreich zu einem der bedeutendsten Aufnahmeländer für Flüchtlinge aus dem Nahen und Mittleren Osten (hauptsächlich aus Syrien, Afghanistan, dem Irak und Iran). Beinahe 90.000 Personen stellten in diesem Jahr einen Asylantrag, darunter 8.277 unbegleitete Minderjährige unter 18 Jahren (BMLFUW 2016, Dursun & Sauer 2016). Diese Flüchtlinge erfahren in ihren Herkunftsländern und auf dem Weg nach Europa viel...
FF26 - The Role of Austrian Farm Women
Rianne Boenink On-Farm Activities have a long tradition in Austrian agriculture and women are playing a major role in initiating and developing new income activities on farm households. The conditions for agricultural production and diversification are very different throughout Europe and in a few countries, e.g. the Netherlands, pluriacitvity is just at the starting point. Rianne Boenink, student of rural sociology at the University of Wageningen, the Netherlands, is interested in the...
FB44: Mountain Farming and the Environment
European countries have been addressing the problems of mountain areas through specific sectoral policy programs for several decades. Since the 1970s, the implementation of compensatory allowances schemes has been the most notable measure in this field and has drawn attention to the difficulties and tasks of mountain agriculture. Yet, with growing environmental concern, an heightened awareness of the environmental impact of farm management systems in these regions is called for, and the...
FS13: Family Farming in Austria
In Austria, by far the majority of farms can be identified as family farms as the basis for agricultural production and the supply of public goods subsumed under the term of multi-functionality. Other types of ownership-status like personal communities (natural persons) or legal entities (cooperatives, limited companies) only play a subordinate role. In comparison, in 2010 the amount of family farms in EU28 came up to 97 %, many of them located in the new member states NMS13 (Davidova et.al....
FS12: Mountain Farming in Austria
Austria is a predominantly mountainous country in the middle of Europe, where in general high nature value farming, clean environment and rich cultural and natural heritage prevail. Austrian agriculture is small structured, mainly family based and is linked to forestry. The landscape in Austria is characterized by the high proportion of less-favoured areas (LFA), most of which is classified as mountain area. The Austrian mountain area forms part of two of Europe’s mountain massifs, the...
FB: Voices of Rural Youth. A Break with Traditional Patterns?
With the debate on the differential impact of exclusionary processes on soical groups, young people have been one of the categories specifically targeted in recent years. Policy makers‘ attention has focused on young people mainly due to increasing labour market problems, growing unemployment and the lengthening of the transition period between leaving school and finding suitable employment. However, only relatively few research projects adopted a spatially differential analysis of the...
FF01: Austria's mountain farmers - importance and promotion
Ignaz Knöbl The mountain area covers 77 percent of the national territory. Austria thus has the largest mountain area in Europe in relation to its national territory. However, not all farms in the mountain area are mountain farms according to the Austrian system. system of farm-specific severity assessment. A not insignificant proportion of the land in the mountain area is owned, in particular, by so-called legal persons and partly also by non-agricultural landowners, who according to the...