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BF 143/15: Public Ecosystem Goods and Services from land management – Unlocking the Synergies (PEGASUS)
Gerhard Hovorka, Thomas Dax, Josef Hoppichler, Thilo Nigmann The management of agricultural and forestry land increasingly includes the provision of public goods and the provision of specific ecosystem services. The PEGASUS project is developing innovative and practice-oriented approaches for the application of these two concepts: The aim is to identify effective application tools to contribute to the sustainability of primary production. In particular, the project aimed to make the...
AWI 178/16 EU: SIMRA-Social Innovations in Marginalised Rural Areas (H2020 Project)
Initial situation Against the background of the Europe 2020 Strategy (smart, sustainable, inclusive growth), regionally very different developments are a challenge for rural development. Social innovations (SI) are seen alongside technical innovations as an effective way to make better use of existing resources and thus contribute to resilience and sustainability, especially in structurally weak regions. SIMRA aims to identify and assess the diversity and complexity of social innovations and...
BAB 016/11: Structural analysis of agricultural and forestry enterprises
The aim of the project was to present statistically observable phenomena from databases (e.g. INVEKOS, agricultural structure survey) that have not been sufficiently analysed so far. Supplementary surveys and case studies should provide additional information on the relevance of various developments to agricultural policy. Depending on the available data and the setting of priorities, the objectives were worked on using a modular system over several years. In the first year of the project,...
BAB 022/19: Data pool: Platform for natural area controlling
Objective Storage, processing and further use of project data from ACube and BMon in the data pool, as well as provision of an operative platform for the interconnection and analysis of these data in the course of natural area controlling. Initial situation Approximately 12 TB of data from the Sentinel 1 and 2 satellites arrive at the EODC every day and are stored there on a long-term basis. In the course of the ACube (Austrian Data Cube) and BMon (Soil Moisture Monitor) projects...
BAB 014/05: EU rural development policy
At the request of the BMLFUW, the objectives of the project were extended beyond the 2007-2013 period of the Rural Development Programme to the new programme period 2014-2020. An important prerequisite for the project was research work on the overall programme, on individual measures/groups of measures, but also the analysis in connection with the first pillar of the Common Agricultural Policy, the Cohesion Policy and the EU Structural Funds. This work will be continued in the course of the...
BAB 023/19: Data pool: Sentinel-2 Data processing with open source
The Sentinels are a fleet of seven types of satellites that provide various freely accessible data and images for the European Commission's Copernicus programme. One of these satellites is Sentinel-2, whose data was used in this project. The main mission objectives of Sentinel-2, consisting of the two satellites Sentinel-2A and Sentinel-2B, are to acquire global high-resolution multispectral imagery with a high repetition rate and to provide information in the form of land cover maps, land...
BAB 002/86: Preparation of documents for the mountain farm cadastre (BHK) and the severity point system
Ongoing cooperation in the "Federal Commission for the Survey and Evaluation of the Hardship Conditions of Mountain Farms" (BUKO) as well as in the editorial and project team of the BUKO was the focus of this project for many years. Documents were prepared for the BUKO, the editorial team and the BMLFUW, especially in connection with the implementation of the mountain farm cadastre. In recent years, the focus has been on implementing the concept of aggravating points for all farms in the...
BAB 026/19: Retro-digitization of the print holdings published by the Federal Institute of Agri-cultural Economics (BAWI) and the Federal Institute for Less Favoured and Mountainous Areas
It is a sad fact that, on the one hand, literature searches at universities and research institutions are increasingly only using online sources for scientific work and citations and, on the other hand, at the Federal Institute of Agricultural Economics and, to a lesser extent, at the Federal Institute for Mountain Farming, print collections published by these institutes are available in large numbers and of high professional value, but without digital copies. Therefore, in the course of...
BAB 050/21: Soil Data Analysis - Financial Soil Estimation and Soil Mapping (BODAT)
In the BODAT project, possible applications of the two area-related soil data sets (financial soil valuation, soil map) of Austria were evaluated and possibilities of use for agricultural management and agricultural policy measures were investigated. In addition, the possibility of merging the two area-based soil data sets was examined and the correlation of individual soil parameters with remote sensing data as well as results of the GIS-ELA project were analyzed. For the project areas,...
BAB 049/21: Open Data Cube as data repository and analysis tool for drought monitoring
Development of analysis tools for recurring agricultural policy issues based on the example of drought monitoring Initial situation A data cube (ODC) was set up at the Federal Institute of Agricultural Economics and Mountain Farming (BAB) in order to efficiently manage and analyze the constantly growing amount of raster data. The unique feature of the BAB's Open Data Cube is the extension of the technology originally intended for satellite images so that other data can also be indexed and...
BAB 048/21: Image matching of aerial imagery using graphics processors to create up-to-date surface models.
Initial situation The aerial images for the entire Austrian federal territory are updated in a three-year cycle, with around one third of the national territory being reflown each year. These aerial surveys are commissioned as part of a federal-state cooperation and are primarily used to create two-dimensional orthophotos (rectified, true-to-scale aerial images) for a variety of applications. The original aerial images are recorded with a transverse and longitudinal overlap, which makes it...
BAB 047/21: 50 years of agricultural policy in Austria
Initial situation The Ministry of Agriculture was founded in 1868 and has played a key role in the country's policy areas ever since. In 1967, the publication "100 Years of the Ministry of Agriculture" was therefore published, providing a well-founded scientific review of the history of the ministry. 2018 marked the 150th anniversary of the founding of the Ministry of Agriculture - reason enough to document another 50 years of the Ministry of Agriculture. Objective The publication is...