
2021 / 07

AWI/58/18 W: Ongoing Evaluation of the Rural Development Programme 2014-2020

Coordination of "Evaluation Package B" - Improving Farm Viability and Competitiveness Initial situation The Federal Institute for Agricultural Economics was involved in various stages of evaluations of previous Rural Development (LE) programmes as well as in the evaluation of the current LE programme (LE 14-20). The evaluation is to be carried out according to the specifications of the European Commission and the evaluation plan laid down in the Austrian LE programme. For the evaluation of...

BF 141/15: Diversity and Resilience

Dynamics and development paths of socio-ecological systems, illustrated by the Salzburg Lungau and Carinthian Nockberge Biosphere Reserve Biosphere parks contribute to the conservation and sustainable use of large-scale representative sections of natural and cultural landscapes. Together with the local population, concepts for the protection and sustainable development of the region are developed and implemented. The objective of this project is to gain fundamental insights into the...

AWI/49/16 W: Functions and services of agriculture and their value to society

Agriculture provides a wide range of functions and services that go far beyond the cultivation of agricultural land and the production of food. In addition to pure agricultural production or the production of marketable goods, farms produce a range of products and services (so-called non-commodity outputs or non-market goods) that represent different elements of "multifunctionality" in agriculture (OECD, 2001). These diverse products and services often have the characteristics of public...

AWI/59/18 W: Ongoing evaluation of the Rural Development Programme 2014-2020

Coordination of “Evaluation Package E”, focus areas “Improving water management“ (4B) and “Preventing soil erosion and improving soil management” (4C) in the Austrian Agri-environment Programme Initial situation The Federal Institute for Agriculture was involved in various stages of the evaluations of the previous rural development programmes as well as in the ex ante evaluation of the 2014-2020 programme. Therefore, it has expertise in various areas of the programme, which is...

BF 151/16: The development of social networks for the direct marketing of fruit and vegetables

as well as for the integration of asylum seekers in rural areas The central concern is the use of local resources, especially with regard to the offer of regional organic products, as well as to analyse social processes around the integration of asylum seekers and migrants in rural areas. In this context, the accompaniment of asylum seekers/migrants by the voluntary team of "Schattendorf hilft" as well as the voluntary support activities of "Region Neusiedler See hilft" are examined. The...

BF 143/15: Public Ecosystem Goods and Services from land management – Unlocking the Synergies (PEGASUS)

Gerhard Hovorka, Thomas Dax, Josef Hoppichler, Thilo Nigmann The management of agricultural and forestry land increasingly includes the provision of public goods and the provision of specific ecosystem services. The PEGASUS project is developing innovative and practice-oriented approaches for the application of these two concepts: The aim is to identify effective application tools to contribute to the sustainability of primary production. In particular, the project aimed to make the...

AWI/60/18 W: Evaluation of the Rural Development Program 2014-2020: Technical Assistance

The Federal Institute for Agriculture was involved in various stages of the evaluations of the Rural Development Programmes as well as in the ex ante evaluation of the 2014-2020 programme. Now the topic of technical assistance within the framework of the Rural Development Programme 2014-2020 is also to be evaluated in accordance with EU requirements. Objective The objective of the project is to evaluate the payments made for "technical assistance" under the Rural Development Programme...

BF 152/16: Climate change adaptation and protection from natural hazards: Capacity building for people with migration background in Austria (CCCapMig)

Ingrid Machold, Thomas Dax, Oliver Tamme, Thilo Nigmann The Austrian Climate Fund supports research projects that deal with aspects of climate change, its impacts in Austria and possible adaptation measures. In the 8th call for proposals (2015), socio-cultural and socio-economic aspects of climate change, among others, were a thematic focus. In this research project, the knowledge and risk perception of immigrants for climate change and natural disasters in Austria will be investigated and...

BAB 016/11: Structural analysis of agricultural and forestry enterprises

The aim of the project was to present statistically observable phenomena from databases (e.g. INVEKOS, agricultural structure survey) that have not been sufficiently analysed so far. Supplementary surveys and case studies should provide additional information on the relevance of various developments to agricultural policy. Depending on the available data and the setting of priorities, the objectives were worked on using a modular system over several years. In the first year of the project,...

BF 138/14: Social factors influencing the success of passive flood protection

Georg Wiesinger, Theresia Oedl-Wieser, Thomas Lampalzer Passive flood protection defines spaces that are essentially dedicated to the "flowing retention" of water bodies. Other uses of these spaces, for example agricultural and forestry, are possible in a limited form. Overall, this is a sustainable, albeit land-extensive, option for protecting the (remaining) cultivated area from flood damage. Due to the extensiveness of the area, planners have to take complex actor-network relationships...

BF 157/17: ESPON ALPS 2050. Common spatial perspectives for the Alpine area. Towards a common vision

The alpine space is characterized by a great territorial diversity, ranging from specific morphological differences between the northern and southern, western and eastern alpine space to the diverse configuration of economic, ecological, social and institutional development in the seven alpine states. Despite the different conditions, the Alpine regions are part of the European and global development trends and in this context are particularly affected by climate change and demographic...

BAB 014/05: EU rural development policy

At the request of the BMLFUW, the objectives of the project were extended beyond the 2007-2013 period of the Rural Development Programme to the new programme period 2014-2020. An important prerequisite for the project was research work on the overall programme, on individual measures/groups of measures, but also the analysis in connection with the first pillar of the Common Agricultural Policy, the Cohesion Policy and the EU Structural Funds. This work will be continued in the course of the...

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