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BF 149/15: Small-scale farming and cooperation between regional sustainability and globalisation
This project subjected the multi-layered aspects of small-scale agriculture in the 21st century to a comprehensive analysis both in the Austrian and in the concrete regional context and places them in the context of the international development of small-scale agriculture. The following central questions were at the centre of the analysis: What are small-scale farms? What do small-scale farms stand for? What value is placed on small-scale agriculture? How can small-scale farming structures...
AWI/48/15 W: Technical support for the financial management of the Austrian Rural Development Programme 2014-2020
Department II 2 of the BMNT is the managing authority of the Rural Development Programme 2014-2020 and is responsible for the multi-annual financial planning of this programme. In the course of audits in the programme period 2007-2013, the Austrian Court of Audit saw a need for improvement in the preparation of the financial plan. For further development, the BMNT needed accompanying technical support. The aim of the project was to improve the financial plan of the Rural Development...
AWI/61/18 W: Simplified Cost Options for education providers
In the current programming period (2014-2020) of the Common Agricultural Policy, the European Commission offers the possibility to claim costs for projects in a simplified way (European Commission, 2015). When applied, eligible costs are calculated according to a predefined methodology based on performance, results or some other costs. It is no longer necessary to trace each euro of co-financed expenditure to individual accounting documents, which means a significant simplification of...
BF 146/15: A New Approach for Rural Development in Georgia (LEADER – Georgien)
The research project was carried out within the framework of the EU Neighbourhood Programme for Agriculture and Rural Development (ENPARD Georgia) in cooperation with the coordinator MercyCorps Georgia. It included in particular the activity of expert advice on the possibilities of applying the LEADER approach and sharing the relevant lessons learned from the European LEADER practice of the past decades, support to the preparation of the Local Development Strategy (LES) in the pilot project...
AWI/54/16 W: Organic Crop Yields
Martin Brückler, Andreas Reindl Organic farming has been an important part of agricultural production in Austria for many years. Already about 20% of the agricultural land is farmed organically. The Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management (BMFLUW) is making efforts to promote and further develop organic farming by focusing on specific measures. Information on the yields per hectare of the various crops as well as total quantities, local differences,...
AWI/183/18: Feeding protein balance
Imports of protein feed, especially in the form of soya and soya meal, are repeatedly the subject of discussions and criticism, especially from the environmental protection side, whereby the focus is usually only on soya imports. The aim of this project was to make a unique assessment of the supply of protein feed from domestic production in Austrian livestock farming. In the course of this project, a feed protein balance of Austrian agriculture - broken down into the main livestock...
BF 142/15: Social farming and social capital in rural regions
In recent years, an increasing importance of measures summarised under the catchwords Green Care and Social Farming can be observed. The special setting of the work and social system on a farm enables many meaningful activities and social interactions that not only open up a new quality of life for a wide range of clients, but also new fields of employment and income opportunities for farms and multiple benefits for society as a whole. The research project "Social Farming in Austria, South...
AWI/50/16 W: Development of a method for time series analyses based on Austrian farm accountancy data
The network of farms keeping voluntary accounts has been providing comprehensive data on the income situation of agriculture and forestry in Austria for many years. However, ongoing methodological changes and adjustments to the framework conditions make it difficult to compare the annually collected data over time. Significant innovations are, for example, the conversion of the farm classification based on standard gross margin (SGM) to standard output (SO) with the 2010 agricultural...
AWI/182/18: Digitizing Austrian secondary colleges for agriculture and forestry
Nowadays, digitalisation affects all areas of life, work and the world of work. Anyone who wants to actively participate in this social and technological development needs digital skills and knowledge. It is a matter of understanding the mechanisms and rules of the digital world and acquiring them in a pro-ductive and responsible way. The respective answer to the question about the present and future possibilities of teaching and learning with digital media has been shaped in recent years...
BAB 021/19: Preparation of a central data portal for agriculture
Initial situation Digitalisation and the internet are not only shaping our daily private and professional lives. Even in agriculture, it would be hard to imagine working without electronic controls, computers and the internet. Mechanisation, electronics and automation have brought a massive increase in efficiency to agriculture. Access to the internet has become a matter of course. Against this background of the various problems, challenges, but also opportunities presented by...
AWI/179/17: Volume flows in Austria’s grain sector
Martin Brückler In the course of the study "Future Crop Production" conducted in 2015, it became clear that there are certain information gaps with regard to important structural and production data. In particular, the lack of fundamental analyses on the processing and marketing structures of agricultural primary products was pointed out. The cereal sector is considered one of the most important areas of primary agricultural production in Austria. Within crop production, the largest shares...
AWI/57/18 W: Evaluation of the Rural Development Programme 2014-2020
Coordination of “package A” knowledge transfer and Innovation (Priority 1) The Federal Institute for Agriculture was involved in various stages of evaluations of the previous Rural Development Programmes as well as in the ex-ante evaluation and the 2017 evaluation of the Rural Development Programme 2014-2020. Priority 1 was evaluated as part of the ex-ante evaluation and the 2017 evaluation. In the previous programme period, the education measures in Axis 1 and 3 were evaluated....