
BAB 038/20: Cultural innovation in the agricultural context

Types and effects of art activities in rural areas on the individual, farm and regional level

Initial situation

The project aims to record art initiatives in an agricultural context, to present them on the basis of selected case studies and to analyse the possible contribution of these case studies to the further development of agriculture (e.g. cultural agriculture) and regional development.
- Recording of art initiatives: The focus is on art initiatives that are committed to contemporary art, aim at cultural or social change, or promote social innovation. Traditional folk art and customs are not the subject of the project.
- Effects on agricultural practice: An overarching goal of the project is to investigate the effects of artistic activities on value attitudes towards the natural environment, agricultural practice and the handling of food. The orientation of the farms - the farm concepts - as well as the potential of art to bring society closer to agriculture again are also the subject of the investigations.
- Effects on regional development: Another objective is the analysis of regionally effective aspects of art initiatives and their networks in economic (tourism, small businesses), ecological (cultural landscape) and social (inclusion, non-profit) terms, in order to develop a basis for agricultural and regional development strategies.

Status of the project

In 2021, the following work was completed:
- Writing of the theory chapter 2: Theoretical considerations and definitions on the subject areas of art and aesthetics.
- Formulation of Chapter 3 regarding the interrelationships between art and the rural economy or regional development as well as the diversity of content and structure of (ag-rarian) art initiatives in rural areas based on researched examples in Austria and abroad.
- Composition of a chapter on the institutional basis of art work as well as the framework conditions for an improved promotion of art work in rural regions.
- Completion of the survey work (in-depth interviews with artists/farmers as well as regional stakeholders and experts in the field).
- Description of the interviews
- Documentation and review of the photographic and film material produced
- Completion of the literature research
The following work has been started or is in progress in 2021:
- Conceptualisation and planning of the presentation of the research results (presentation concept, contacting the participating artists), processing of the existing photo and video material
- Coding and structuring of the interviews
- Evaluation/analysis of the interviews according to the questions of the interview guide.

Work 2021

- Completion of the analyses of the interviews and writing of the empirical chapter 4.
- Writing the final synthesis chapter 5, incorporating the theoretical and empirical findings, followed by the development of appropriate strategic approaches for the promotion of (agricultural) arts initiatives in rural areas.
- Completion and design of the research report
- Completion of the preparations for the project presentation (photo and video work, organisation, etc.)
- Presentation of the research results in May 2022

Project start: November 2020
End of project: May 2022

Metal sculptures in a garden

Metal sculptures in a garden

BAB, Wiesinger, 2018

Project Status


Project Leader

GROIER, Michael

DI Dr. Michael GROIER

former employees




Agricultural, Environmental and Food Systems

Mag.a Ingrid MACHOLD

Mountain Areas Research and Regional Development


Rural Sociology and Library
Dietrichgasse 27
1030 Wien
 +43 (1) 71100 - 637415

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