In 2019, the BMLRT has approved funding for the present project within the framework of a European Innovation Partnership for the period May 2019 to April 2022. The following are involved in the project:
LK OÖ Dienstleistungs GmbH, Chamber of Agriculture of Upper Austria (LK OÖ), Chamber of Agriculture of Lower Austria (LK NÖ), Austrian Chamber of Agriculture (LKÖ), Austrian Institute of Economic Research (WIFO), Beiselen Service GmbH, LBG Österreich GmbH Wirtschaftsprüfung & Steuerberatung, Federal Institute of Agricultural Economics and Mining Research (BAB) and farm managers.
With the start of the project in May 2019, the development of project basics (goals, tools, desired results) was started. In particular, a literature and data research was carried out and the need for information and possible digital information services were discussed with the involvement of farmers. The further work was organised in working groups (WG), which exchanged their problems and results. The WG Prices, headed by WIFO, is working on the topic of price reporting. The WG Simulation under the leadership of the BAB works on the further development of the IDB application (see project BAB 015/10 "Contribution margins and data basis for farm planning"): (a) the reprogramming of the existing production procedures is intended to improve the technical processes and increase the benefit for users and (b) the reprogramming of additional functions is also intended to increase the benefit for users. The further development of the IDB application concerns the areas of IDB-General, arable farming, fodder production, animal husbandry, permanent crops, crop rotation module. The work generally includes conception, programming/implementation, testing, revision, going live and documentation.
In 2020, work was started in the areas of IDB general and arable farming (conception, implementation) and initial considerations were made regarding the crop rotation module.
In 2021, programming and internal tests were carried out on the IDB database and on the areas of IDB general, arable farming and the crop rotation module. Tests with farm managers are planned before publication. Preparations for programming procedures for fodder production, animal husbandry and permanent crops have begun (programming templates, etc.).
The further development of the areas of fodder production, animal husbandry and permanent crops as well as further testing and the live activation of the new IDB application will take place in 2022.
Project start: May 2019
Project end: April 2022
Links and downloads:
- IDB 1-Anwendung (alte Version, 2010-2022):
- Link zu IDB 2-Anwendung (neue Version, ab 2022):
- IDB 2-Kurzanleitung: FactSheet 003: Interaktive Deckungsbeiträge und Kalkulationsdaten (IDB 2)
- IDB 2-Webinare im März 2022: Foliensatz: BAB-Blog
- IDB 2-Schulungen im April 2022:
EIP-Projekt Allgemeines – Foliensatz
IDB 2 Überblick – Foliensatz
IDB 2 Zusammenfassung und Ausblick – Foliensatz - BAB-Projektbeschreibung (BAB-Grundlagenprojekt): BAB 015/10: Deckungsbeiträge und Datengrundlagen für die Betriebsplanung
- BAB-Projektbeschreibung (EIP-Projekt): BAB 031/19: Darstellung und Simulation von Erlösen und Kosten in Abhängigkeit von Preis- und Mengenänderungen
- EIP-Projektbeschreibung:
- EIP-Projekthomepage:
- EIP-Projekt Endbericht (September 2022)
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