
BAB 019/19: Development of the organic market in Austria and other selected regions

In recent years the share of organic farms in Austria has increased significantly. In addition to the traditionally high shares in grassland, there has recently also been a strong trend towards organic farming in arable farming and in permanent crops. This growth on the supply side is contrasted by a demand for organic products that is also developing dynamically. Taking into account the product groups of the household panel (RollAMA) of AMA Marketing, the value-based market share of organic products in food retailing in 2019 (as of January to September 2019) was 9.3%. A look beyond Austria's borders shows that the production of organic food is also increasing in traditional export countries. In addition, the European Commission is pursuing the goal of EU-wide growth of the organic market in its proposals for the "Green Deal". In 2020, the organic sector, like probably all other economic sectors, was marked by the Covid 19 crisis and its effects. In this respect, the crisis resistance and resilience of the agricultural and food sector in general and that of the organic sector in particular represent a current starting point for the project.

The central objective of the study is to outline future supply and demand developments in the domestic and international organic market and, based on this, to derive options for action in order to be able to react to possible market imbalances in good time. The aim is to take a comprehensive look at the various value chains. Sub-goals and work packages can be derived accordingly. Scenarios for domestic supply development should first be derived on the basis of existing data (e.g. INVEKOS data) and studies (e.g. bio yield study of the BA for Agricultural Economics). On the demand side, it is planned to use data from the cooperation partners mentioned above and supplementary surveys (e.g. qualitative interviews with stakeholders from the individual areas of the value chain) to generate knowledge in order to create a basic understanding of future developments on the organic market.

Due to the Covid-10 pandemic, the project could not be implemented as planned. However, the results of the work were presented under the title "Biomarkt - wo führt die Reise hin? View from the perspective of supply and demand development", the results of the work were presented at the Bio-Enquete 2020 and the Alpine Convention Conference 2021.

Project start: January 2019
Project end: December 2021



Organic farm

Organic farm

BABF, Hovorka, 2016

Project Status


Project Leader


DI Dipl.-Päd. Ing. Josef HAMBRUSCH

Agricultural Economics and Data Management


GROIER, Michael

DI Dr. Michael GROIER

former employees
GRUENEIS, Heidelinde Heidelinde GRUENEIS

Mountain Areas Research and Regional Development

Agricultural, Environmental and Food Systems
RESL, Thomas

DI M.Sc. Thomas RESL

former employees
Dietrichgasse 27
1030 Wien
 +43 (1) 71100 - 637415

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