
ÖGA Conference in Vienna

On September 19 and 20, 2024, the 34th Annual Conference of the Austrian Society for Agricultural Economics took place at BOKU Vienna with the theme “Global Challenges for Agricultural and Food Systems in Europe”. The plenary session dedicated to the general topic of the conference ranged from geopolitical challenges for the European agricultural and food system (Gabriel Felbermayr, WIFO) to the design of global supply chains using the example of the new EU supply chain law (Christine Wieck, University of Hohenheim) to a historical examination of the interplay of globalization and the European agricultural economy (Ernst Langthaler, Johannes Kepler University Linz).

The BAB was not only involved in organizing the conference in advance, it was also well represented in the research and poster forums, with the following contributions:

  • Exploring the impact of spatial exclusion on social innovation in Höllental, Lower Austria
    Poster Katrin Hofer and Somaye Latifi
  • Transparenz von Mengenströmen am Beispiel des österreichischen Schweinefleischsektors
    Presentation Josef Hambrusch and Christina Löscher
  • Betriebswirtschaftliche Beurteilung abgestufter Übergangsfristen in der Schweinehaltung
    Presentation Julian Zeilinger, Gerhard Gahleitner and Franz Hunger

In addition to the scientific exchange, the conference offered numerous opportunities to make and maintain contacts (e.g. at the ÖGA award ceremony). BAB employee Heidi Grüneis was elected as a new member of the ÖGA board during the plenary meeting. The meeting was rounded off with an interesting excursion, during which the BLÜN aquaponics farm and the Marchfeld Canal were visited. The meeting ended at a Heurigen in Stammersdorf.

© BAB 2024

Group photo

Group photo

Foto: © Heidelinde Grüneis
Dietrichgasse 27
1030 Wien
 +43 (1) 71100 - 637415

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