Organic farming has been an important part of agricultural production in Austria for many years. Around 25% of agricultural land is currently farmed organically. The BML is endeavouring to promote and further develop organic farming by focusing on specific measures. Information on the yields per hectare of the various crops as well as total quantities, local differences, potential demand and differences in yield compared to conventional production are essential for this. In 2016, the Federal Institute of Agricultural Economics developed a methodology for extrapolating volume yields in Austria in the scientific project AWI/54/16 W: Yields from organic farming and, based on this, carried out and published analyses for the period 2003-2015. This time series has been continuously updated since then.
The aim of the project is to visualise the Austrian-wide volume yields from organic farming. Based on existing data, specific analyses will be carried out according to regions (dry, occasionally dry and wetlands) and main agricultural production areas. Existing time series will be supplemented in order to provide an up-to-date overview of the quantities produced in organic farming and thus improve the availability of statistical information in organic production.
Work 2024
For the Green Report 2024, the harvest quantities of selected organic crops and the organic yields per hectare were calculated and published in tabular form. Analyses were also carried out for the project ‘Crop contributions and data bases for farm planning’ (BAB/015/10). While the allocation of the farming method in previous years was based on the information provided by the farmers, since 2021 the organically farmed areas have been identified via participation in the ‘organic farming method’ measure according to INVEKOS.
Work in 2025
A calculation of organic yields and the relative differences to conventional yields per hectare is also planned for 2025 in accordance with the methodology and presentation developed in the AWI/54/16 W scientific project