Social vulnerability very easily leads to isolation and disempowerment. Both individuals and certain groups of people within a society are affected. The threat of social exclusion is particularly high in times of economic restructuring, natural disasters but also - as recently - during pandemics. Vulnerability can be a consequence of social exclusion, but can also cause social exclusion itself. In rural areas, this vulnerability often manifests itself in specific ways. An interdisciplinary and systematic approach appears necessary to analyze these relationships, whereby the abilities and potential of people in vulnerable situations must also be considered.
This project aims to generate evidence-based practical and theoretical knowledge on how Social and Solidarity Economy (SSE) can generate resilience, social inclusion and a good life in European rural areas. Based on the project results, recommendations, framework conditions and policy measures will be developed to achieve these goals through constructive discussions with stakeholders at different levels
Planned procedure
The drivers of social exclusion in relation to marginalization processes and social inequalities will first be identified in different types of regions. Five co-creation pilots will then be initiated. Stakeholders will carry out experiments with various vulnerable groups involving local organizations and the wider community, which should lead to the empowerment of vulnerable groups in a multi-actor design. The following co-creation pilots are planned:
- Austria: Refugee women from Afghanistan, Chechnya and Arab countries, in Carinthia transnationally with South Tyrol
- Finland: women at risk of exclusion
- Estonia: older people with unrecognized abilities
- Slovenia: social exclusion of disabled young people and older people
- Slovakia: multivulnerable Roma communities
In addition, a total of 26 case studies are being conducted in 13 countries, two of which are in Austria:
- NEETs (economically inactive young people), including those with a migration background: analyzed by the Carinthia University of Applied Sciences
- Verein Silbersberg, Quellenhof: Gloggnitz and Schwarzau im Gebirge, analyzed by the BAB
The BAB is leading the work package WP1: Conceptual Framework. The theoretical foundations of social exclusion, vulnerability, but also unrecognized skills, untapped capacities and the SSE concept (Social and Solidarity Economy) will be developed through literature research.
In WP2, the analytical dimensions and categories, cohesions, synergies and syntheses in the project are examined and recorded. WP3 comprises the case studies, WP4 the co-creation pilots. In WP5, the results are communicated and disseminated in a community of practice. WP6 develops policy recommendations, WP7 comprises project management.
Work 2024
The BAB organised the kick-off meeting between 13.2. and 15.2.2024. This meeting also included an excursion to the case study region and a visit to the socio-therapeutic green care facility Verein Silbersberg. In the first half of 2024, a detailed conceptual framework report (WP1) was prepared together with Wageningen University and submitted to the project partners. With this synthesis report (Deliverable D1 - Integrated Conceptual Framework), the first part of WP1 was completed on time. This was followed by intensive collaboration on mapping vulnerability (WP2) and communicating the results of the Community of Practice (WP5). A stakeholder webinar was held on 21 November 2024.
Work 2025
The second project meeting is planned for May 2025 in Poljcane (Slovenia). Analysing the case studies and supporting the pilot actions will be the focus of this year's work. Another project meeting is planned for September 2025 in Bratislava (Slovakia).
Projektbeginn: 01/2024
Projektende: 12/2027
FH Kärnten (A); Diakonie Kärnten (A); ZSI Zentrum für Soziale Innovation (A); EURAC Bozen (I), Universität Wageningen (NL); Universität Vigo (E); National University of Ireland Galway (IRL); Universität Tallinn (EST); Võrumaa Partnership (EST); Universität Bratislava (SK); Region Ostrava (SK); Universität Eskişehir (TR); Pro Agria (FIN); Prizma Foundation (SLO); AEIDL European Association for Innovation in Local Development (B)