In the framework of the project CoRoots (Co-learning methods to improve resilience management in rural areas) the project meeting with Spanish and Portuguese project partners took place this time in Soria (Central Spain). The region is characterised by migration and is very sparsely populated. On the barren soils of the cold plateau, the landscape is characterised by hat pastures and barley fields (for beer production). Cives Mundi - our Spanish project partner - is an NGO dedicated to promoting the regional start-up scene, among other things. The meeting took place in the El Hueco/co-working centre in Soria. In the course of the excursions, exemplary local development initiatives could be visited. In the village of Allo "Social Ecosystem Comunal", attempts are being made to counter the rural exodus with community and sports facilities. Another exemplary initiative is "Baku barrikupel". In the workshop of the operators, wood from wine barrels and plastic containers is recycled and turned into stylish lighting fixtures. In the village of Sarnago, a community project is rebuilding a place that was originally abandoned.
all photos: K. Wagner, BAB, 2023
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