The project "BIOECO-UP - Circular bioeconomy market uptake and policy support in Central Europe" (CE0100254) is supported by the Interreg Central Europe 2021-2027 programme with co-financing from the European Regional Development Fund.
The circular economy in Central Europe is characterized by underdeveloped bio-based value chains, low consumer awareness and uneven political progress along the East-West border. BIOECO-UP deals with the further development of the circular bioeconomy in Central Europe. In addition to the 12 cooperations mentioned above, 5 ministries are involved as associated partners: Ministry of Agricluture and Rural Development (PL); Ministry of Rural Affairs of the Republic of Estonia (EE); Slovenian Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food (SI); Ministry of Investments, Regional Development and Informatization of the Slovak Republic (SK); Ministry of Agriculture of the Czech Republic (CZ). The BIOEAST Initiative (, in which 11 Eastern European Ministries of Agriculture and supporting institutes are represented, is also involved in BIOECO-UP. BIOECO-UP is implemented in the "Interreg Central Europe Programme 2021-2027" and addresses the program priority "P2 - Cooperating for a greener central Europe", specifically the priority objective "SO2.3 - Taking circular economy forward in central Europe".
BIOECO-UP aims to advance the circular bioeconomy in Central Europe by supporting the development of bio-based value chains, changes in consumer behaviour and changes in the policy framework.
Status of the work
Work package WP 1 (‘Circular bioeconomy cross-sector value chains’) aims to test, develop and disseminate solutions for the design of bio-based value chains based on 7 transnational pilot studies. WP 2 (‘Empowering citizens to become active in circular bioeconomy’) aims to support 600 citizens in using, producing and valorising bio-based products themselves. WP 3 (‘Mainstreaming of circular bioeconomy policies’) aims to identify bioeconomy policy measures in Central Europe, develop strategy and action plans, formulate recommendations, disseminate project results and promote exchange among stakeholders. Comprehensive information on activities, outputs, deliverables and project schedule can be found in the project application.
Work carried out in 2023 and 2024
The BAB is responsible for the coordination of A.3.1 ‘Analysing circular bioeconomy measures’ and is also involved in other project activities. In 2023, the BAB's work concerned the activities A.1.1 and A.3.1. For A.1.1 ‘Mapping bioeconomy potential’, data on the bioeconomy in Austria was researched, a (non-published) report on the bioeconomy in Austria was prepared and a contribution to the synthesis report (Deliverable D.1.1.1: ‘Bioeconomy potential analysis’) was provided. For A.3.1, the BAB set up a core team with representatives from all participating project partner organisations, organised working meetings and drafted materials for further processing by the core team. In 2024, the BAB dealt with the further coordination, conception, implementation and completion of A.3.1, including the preparation of lists of selected bioeconomy policy measures and the planning, organisation and documentation of a policy workshop for the transnational exchange of experience. The results from A.3.1 were summarised in Deliverable D.3.1.1 ‘Policy analysis of circular bioeconomy policy measures’ and provided as input for further project activities and for selected external stakeholders.
Planned work for 2025
For 2025, the BAB plans to participate in further activities of work package WP 3, in particular on the basis of the results from A.3.1 or with information on the bioeconomy in Austria.
Project start: 06/2023
Project end: 03/2026
Project cooperation
Landwirtschaftsministerium - Abteilung für Agrarforschung und Agrarumweltmanagement (HU); Bay Zoltán Nonprofit LTD for Applied Research - Abteilung für Biomasseproduktion und -verwertung (HU); Alma Mater Studiorum Universität Bologna - Abteilung für industrielle Chemie Toso montanari (IT); Tschechische Universität für Lebenswissenschaften Prag - Fakultät für Forst- und Holzwissenschaften (CZ); Landwirtschaftliche Forschung, LtD Troubsko (CZ); Institute of Soil Science and Plant Cultivation Research State Institute - Department of Bioeconomy and Systems Analysis (PL); Institute for Circular Economy (HR); Institute for Sustainable Development (SI); University of Ljubljana - Biotechnical Faculty (SI); Bioeconomy Cluster (SK); Croatian Chamber of Agriculture - Department of Agricultural Policy, Innovation and International Cooperation (HR)