Section 16 of the Federal Offices Act (Bundesämtergesetz i.d.g.F.) stipulates that the Federal Agency for Agriculture and Mountain Farming is responsible for the preparation of the Green Report. The activities required for the preparation of the Green Report and the Farm Accountancy Data Network of the European Union (FADN) are defined in the form of work orders within the framework of this long-term project and the orders defined there are processed by the Federal Agency. In addition, the scientific basis for the Green Report and the FADN is being further developed.
This basic project includes both the annually recurring work and the scientific studies and statistical evaluations to be carried out in the short term.
Status of the project
The projections for the year 2023 according to the 2020 agricultural structure survey and the 2017 standard output coefficient were carried out in full (for all analyses, accuracy calculations, etc.) at federal level. Statistical analyses of accounting results were also carried out at provincial level in cooperation with the provincial governments and chambers of agriculture.
In addition, various special analyses were carried out for different issues (rolling standard valuation, etc.).
The 2025 sampling plan for the Farm Accountancy Data Network (FADN) was prepared.
The Federal Institute for Agricultural Economics and Mountain Farming carried out analyses of the INVEKOS data as part of the recruitment of new accounting farms to supplement the test farm network.
The table section of the Green Report and the economic analyses of the accounting results were prepared and published on the homepage of the Federal Institute of Agricultural Economics and Mountain Farming.
Various other data analyses were carried out for the Green Report, edited and presented in the form of graphs and maps.
The results of selected research work carried out by the Federal Institute (e.g. public data portals of the BAB, transparency of volume flows using the example of the Austrian pork sector, work organisation of non-family workers in Austrian agriculture) were published in the form of specialist articles in the Green Report.
Work in 2025
In 2025, the Federal Institute of Agricultural Economics and Mountain Farming is planning the following work for the Green Report and the FADN:
- Analyses of individual farm data for the Agricultural Structure Survey 2023 and preparation with regard to the determination of the population and selection framework.
- Recalculation of the accounting year 2023 (after the Agricultural Structure Survey 2023) and carrying out the extrapolations for the accounting year 2024 for the federal government and as part of the cooperation with the state governments and chambers of agriculture.
- Carrying out special analyses of bookkeeping businesses for various questions.
- Calculation and presentation of the accuracy of the results of the primary statistical analyses for the year 2024
- Statistical analyses on agricultural structure and agricultural support as well as maintenance of the underlying database.
- Evaluating, analysing and presenting data in the form of graphics or maps.
- Contribution on foreign trade in agricultural products and foodstuffs and scientific contributions to ongoing research projects.
- Calculation and preparation of the supply performance of Austrian agriculture.
- Preparation of the table section of the Green Report as well as the ‘Farm Economics Report of the LBG Austria to the BML’ for the homepage of the Federal Agency for Agriculture and Mountain Farming.
- - Maintenance of the advertising database for the accounting firms.
- Collaboration in the implementation of the annual advertising plan for accounting firms.
- Collaboration within the framework of the FADN
- Analyses for the future rolling standard valuation.