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  • BAB 062/22: Rural Sustainability Transitions through Integration of Knowledge for improved policy processes - RUSTIK

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  • BAB 062/22: Rural Sustainability Transitions through Integration of Knowledge for improved policy processes - RUSTIK

BAB 062/22: Rural Sustainability Transitions through Integration of Knowledge for improved policy processes - RUSTIK

Horizon Europe Projekt

The project has been tendered in the Horizon Europe Programme under the thematic area of promoting "resilient rural communities" under the title "Grasping rural diversity and strengthening evidence for tailored policies enhancing the contribution of rural communities to ecological, digital and social transitions (RIA)" (CL6-2021-COMMUNITIES-01-01). In view of insufficient impacts and the increasing challenges posed by social and ecological developments, this call for proposals provides for intensified analysis of societal adaptation needs and support for effective rural policy-making processes.


Building on an improved analytical understanding of the "functions" of rural areas and the processes for achieving sustainable and resilient spatial development, this project will contribute to an area-specific examination of effective implementation examples. A knowledge-based participation strategy of local actors and decision-makers in 14 European pilot regions will be developed to increase the impact orientation of existing (or future) support programs. In this context, Living Labs should enable an improved understanding of the different characteristics of rural regions and contribute to the planning and collection of relevant data structures and information needs.

Status of the project and work 2025

As is usual in Horizon Europe projects, a series of deliverables and milestones are agreed throughout the entire project, which summarise the project results and make them accessible (see In line with the project schedule, the data experiment in the pilot region Nockregion-Oberkärnten, which focuses on the importance and visibility of small rural businesses, was carried out in 2024. In addition to analysing statistical data, a mapping of businesses in all municipalities of the Nock region was carried out and a survey on the importance of small rural businesses at local level was launched. The results of the data experiment will be finalised in 2025. Furthermore, the year 2025 is dedicated in particular to the work in WP5, which deals with the consolidation and synthesis of the results of the Living Labs and analyses the possibilities and conditions of rural change processes in the context of political measures (policies) and governance structures.
In addition to numerous online meetings, several on-site meetings of the consortium are planned to ensure good cooperation and coordination and to present the existing results to an interested audience.


Project start: 09/2022
Project end: 08/2026






Project Status


Project Leader


Mag.a Ingrid MACHOLD

Mountain Areas Research and Regional Development


GRUENEIS, Heidelinde Heidelinde GRUENEIS

Mountain Areas Research and Regional Development

Mountain Areas Research and Regional Development
TAMME, Oliver

M.Sc. Oliver TAMME

Mountain Areas Research and Regional Development


Mountain Areas Research and Regional Development
ERNST, Daria

MSc Daria Ernst

Mountain Areas Research and Regional Development
Dietrichgasse 27
1030 Wien
 +43 (1) 71100 - 637415

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