
BAB 057/22: Processing capacities for oilseeds and protein crops in Austria

Even before the current Covid-19 pandemic, the cultivation of protein crops in Austria, their development potential and the associated security of supply have become the focus of numerous discussions and initiatives. Despite increased cultivation areas in Austria (e.g. doubling of soybean cultivation areas), there is still a dependency on imports for vegetable protein. One aim of the Protein Strategy 2030 presented in July 2021 is to secure the protein supply in Austria. Although the production of oil and protein crops was well mapped during the development of the protein strategy, there is a lack of current figures, data and facts in the processing sector.  In addition to an analysis of the current situation, the potential for the processing of oil and protein crops is also to be considered and possible options for action identified. In 2022, as part of the implementation of the protein strategy, a focus will be placed on the area of processing in Austria. A round table with all relevant stakeholders is planned on this topic, which will be organized by AGES. There are links to the updating of the Austrian (protein) feed balance, which will be dealt with as part of a separate Covid project/feed balance.


The project is based on a direct recommendation of the final report of the protein strategy with the aim of surveying and analyzing the processing and processing capacities in the field of protein crops in Austria to improve the representability of the value chain.
Due to the close links between the sectors, the oil plant sector will also be analyzed.In particular, the project aims to present the current national processing capacities for the various areas of use (food and animal feed) and to identify possible development potential.In this way, the surveys and analyses should also contribute to an improved presentation of supply balances.

Work 2025

Due to the unplanned and short-term work for the BML in 2023 and 2024 in connection with the various crises (Corona, Ukraine, crisis management team) and their consequences (energy crisis and prices), area and database transfer from the LFRZ (ALFIS) and changes in other work prioritised for the ministry, the project will be extended by a further year.
In 2025, the focus will be on a comprehensive analysis of the handling and processing capacities of oil plants and protein seeds in Austria. Firstly, targeted literature and database research will be carried out in order to record current research results and relevant data on existing capacities. Methodologically, the investigation is based on a case study design with individual case analyses of selected processing companies. The expected results include an assessment of the availability of raw materials and a presentation of current processing and storage capacities. In addition, the importance of foreign trade will be evaluated. Finally, a SWOT analysis of the processing sector is carried out, which identifies the opportunities and challenges. The final report summarises all the findings.


Project start: 01/2022
Project end: 12/2025


Project Status


Project Leader


BEd. Astrid Reitter

Agricultural Economics and Data Management



DI Dipl.-Päd. Ing. Josef HAMBRUSCH

Agricultural Economics and Data Management
Dietrichgasse 27
1030 Wien
 +43 (1) 71100 - 637415

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