
BAB 052/22: Flat rates for fruit and vegetable producer organizations

Initial situation

Within the framework of the Common Market Organisation, recognised producer organisations (POs) have received or will receive access to public funding within the framework of so-called "Operational Programmes" (OPs).
Each recognised PO is obliged to draw up an OP every few years on the basis of the National Strategy for Fruit and Vegetables in accordance with the specifications, in which the planned measures are also to be presented. The funding agency (Agrarmarkt Austria) is responsible for approving and controlling the planned OP measures of the organisations. As the handling of these approval and control processes is very complex and time-consuming, there is interest in simplifying the administration by applying flat-rate costs.
With the support of the BML's technical department, the AMA has therefore approached the BAB to calculate flat rates for predefined measures in accordance with the European Commission's specifications. These are to be updated every five years, both in terms of content (new measures, adjustment of values) and method (rethinking the calculation logic). These cost calculations are to be carried out for the first time in 2022 and completed by the end of the year.


The aim of the project is to calculate lump-sum cost rates for the measures mentioned by the AMA in order to derive aid rates. In addition, corresponding documentation (descriptive part of the calculations, collection of data bases) is to be created for all calculations. As of November 2021, flat-rate costs and aid rates in euros had to be calculated for the following measures:

- Drip and overhead irrigation for fruit crops (per ha)
- Hail nets incl. framework with and without net for fruit crops (per ha)
- Total netting for fruit crops (per ha)
- Grafted seedlings for fruit (per tree variety) - Apples: Gala, Golden Delicious, Elstar, Topaz, Braeburn, Crown Prince Rudolf; Pears: November pear, Williams pear
- Grafted seedlings for vegetables (per plant) - Tomato, Paprika, Cucumber, Melanzani
- Resistant seed for vegetables (per kg) - - Spinach, Basil
- Use of beneficial insects in vegetable crops (per ha)
- Confusion (pheromone treatment) in fruit crops (per ha)
- Innovative plant protection in fruit crops (per ha)
- Substrate mats in vegetable crops (per ha)
- Fertilisers from agricultural waste (per RN/ha)
- Producer certification (per certificate)

Work carried out

A total of 25 funding rates have been calculated to date.
Each funding rate is then briefly described. If required, all calculation files used to calculate the subsidy rates and the associated documentation are stored at the BAB.

Drip and overhead irrigation for fruit crops
The calculation of both subsidy rates (euros per hectare) has been successfully completed.
Offers from several Austrian providers were obtained for the calculation and the most favorable was used as a reference. Material and installation costs were taken into account. Costs for water supply and maintenance were not included in the calculation.

Hail nets with and without scaffolding for fruit crops
The calculation of both subsidy rates (euros per hectare) was successfully completed.
Offers from several Austrian providers were obtained for the calculation and the most favorable was used as a reference. Material and installation costs were taken into account. Maintenance costs were not included in the calculation.

Total wetting for fruit crops
The calculation of the subsidy rate (euros per hectare) was successfully completed.
Offers from several Austrian providers were obtained for the calculation and the most favorable was used as a reference. Material and installation costs were taken into account. Maintenance costs were not included in the calculation.

Grafted seedlings for fruit
The calculation of the eight subsidy rates (euros per seedling) was successfully completed.
Offers from several suppliers were obtained for the calculation and the most favorable was used as a reference. Due to increased purchases by Austrian fruit producers from South Tyrol and Germany, offers were also obtained from these regions. Funding rates were calculated for all six or two of the apple and pear varieties mentioned in point 2. The offers were not sufficient to provide a representative result for organic seed potatoes.

Grafted planting stock for vegetables
The calculation of the subsidy rates (euros per plant) for all four types of vegetables (tomato, bell pepper, cucumber, melanzani) was carried out.
The aim of the calculations was to compare the additional costs with regard to the use of resistant versus non-resistant planting material. Offers from several Austrian suppliers were to be obtained and the most favorable prices were to be used for the calculation.
However, due to a lack of valid data, a calculation had to be dispensed with and the subsidy rates were theoretically justified.

Resistant seeds for vegetables
The calculation of the subsidy rates (euros per kilogram) for both types of vegetables (spinach, basil) has been successfully completed.
The aim of the calculation was to compare the additional costs with regard to the use of resistant versus non-resistant seeds. Quotations were obtained from several Austrian suppliers and the most favorable prices were used for the calculation.

Use of beneficial insects in protected vegetable cultivation
The calculation of the subsidy rates (euros per square meter) for all four vegetable varieties (tomato, bell pepper, cucumber, melanzani) was successfully completed.
As part of the calculation, the additional costs of biological alternatives (use of beneficial organisms) were compared with conventional chemical-synthetic plant protection products. For this purpose, offers were obtained from several Austrian suppliers of pesticides and beneficial insects and the most favorable ones were used for the calculation. The costs of the pesticides and beneficial organisms were taken into account; application costs were not included. The quantities required in each case were discussed with experts and farmers.
Due to a lack of data on the number of beneficial insects to be used, it was relatively difficult to draw up the calculation. Numerous phone calls with farmers were necessary to create a sufficiently large data basis for all four crops.

Pheromone confusion in fruit crops
The calculation of the subsidy rate (euros per hectare) has been successfully completed.
The calculation is based on a comparison of the additional costs in the case of the use of biological alternatives (pheromones for confusion) compared to conventional chemical-synthetic plant protection products. For this purpose, offers were obtained from several Austrian suppliers of plant protection products and pheromone confusion products and the most favorable were used for the calculation. Medium costs were taken into account. Application costs were not included. The quantities required in each case were discussed with experts and farmers.

Innovative plant protection in fruit crops
The calculation of the subsidy rate (euros per hectare) was successfully completed.
In the calculation, the additional costs of an alternative biological application (granulosis viruses, Bacillus thuringiensis, entomopathogenic nematodes) were compared to conventional chemical-synthetic plant protection products. For this purpose, offers from several Austrian suppliers of plant protection products were obtained and the most favorable ones were used for the calculation. The cost of the product was taken into account. Application costs were not included. The required application quantities were discussed with experts and farmers.

Use of alternative substrate mats in vegetable crops
The calculation of this subsidy rate could not be successfully completed.
The aim of the calculations was to compare the additional costs of using substrate mats made from renewable raw materials (coconut mats) with mats made from rock wool. Offers from several Austrian suppliers were to be obtained and the most favorable prices used for the calculation.
During the research, however, it turned out that there were cheaper offers for the alternative to be promoted (coconut mats) than for products made of rock wool. Research into alternatives, such as mats made of hemp straw or wood, was unsuccessful.
The calculation of the subsidy rate for substrate mats was therefore not pursued further after consultation with the client.

Outstanding work

Most of the calculations were completed in 2023. Due to the varying degrees of urgency, the premium rates listed under point 3 were prioritized. The following funding rates still need to be completed. The work required for these calculations in 2024 will be completed as "other scientific work".

Fertilizers from agricultural waste
The calculation of this subsidy rate (euros per pure nutrient per hectare) has not yet been completed.
For the calculation, the additional costs of organic fertilizers (compost, green manure, etc.) are to be compared with chemical-synthetic fertilizers. For this purpose, offers from several Austrian suppliers of fertilizers are to be obtained and the most favourable ones used for the calculation.
Further research is required to illustrate the additional costs.

Producer certification
The calculation of these subsidy rates (euros per certificate) has not yet been completed.
All certification costs incurred by producers, POs and marketers are to be used for the calculation. The client selected 16 certificates relevant to fruit and vegetable production for calculation (AMA seal of approval, Bio-Austria, Demeter, etc.).
Due to the complexity of the various certifications and the large number of different cost items (basic amount, travel costs, area subsidy, etc.), further research is required for a satisfactory calculation of the subsidy rates. In addition, a decision still needs to be made in consultation with the client as to whether separate subsidy rates should be calculated for all certificates or whether one subsidy rate should apply to all certificates.


Whether and when any updates to the calculations presented should be carried out is the responsibility of the client. Recommendations for this are included in the respective documentation.




Project Status


Project Leader

STELZER, Christoph

DI B.Sc. Christoph STELZER

former employees



DI Dipl.-Päd. Ing. Josef HAMBRUSCH

Agricultural Economics and Data Management
WEIGL, Martin


Agricultural Economics and Data Management


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