The increasing networking of markets requires more information, for example when assessing the competitiveness of farms and locations in different regions or with regard to the effects of changing economic, technological and political conditions on farms, farm structures and agricultural production. However, due to the different definitions of key figures and the methods used, international calculations are often difficult or impossible to compare. For this purpose, international networks have been established in which experts from the fields of science, consulting and practice work together on the basis of standardised methods, thus enabling international comparisons of profitability.
The aim of this project is to collect and process data for the international farm comparison (concept of typical farms), to discuss the results in an international context and to contribute to the methodological and organisational development of the concepts of the two international networks IFCN (International Farm Comparison Network) and agri benchmark (for cash crops). This means, among other things, collecting, plausibilising and providing Austria-specific data according to the specifications of the project management. Subsequently, the existing data sources are to be used for own scientific work, for example in the context of production cost comparisons. In addition, the networks offer a platform for professional exchange and points of contact for further research work and research co-operation.
Status of the project
The Federal Institute of Agricultural Economics and Mountain Farming has been part of the IFCN network for milk production for several years and was one of more than 40 scientific partner institutes in 2024. In 2024, data was also collected on selected dairy farms using a standardised questionnaire and the data collected was checked for plausibility and discussed with experts. The IFCN central office used the TIPI-CAL farm model to analyse the transmitted data in a standardised manner. In addition, the IFCN network submits a questionnaire every year regarding the development of important sector-specific data, which must be completed. The evaluation results were also discussed at the IFCN annual conference and form the basis of the annual IFCN Dairy Report. In 2024, the annual conference took place from 29 June to 2 July in Obihiro, Japan, on the topic of ‘Asian dairy: Standing locally, thinking globally’. Online webinars on specific topics or countries are also held at regular intervals.
As part of the agri benchmark network led by the Thünen Institute, data was once again collected for a typical farm in Austria's drylands in 2024. The aim was to comply with the network's specifications both in terms of the selection process for typical farms and the key figures to be collected. The Thünen Institute provides an MS Access-based programme for standardised data collection. Based on a wide variety of data sources (e.g. working groups, expert surveys), the typical farm of the previous year was used as a basis and the data was updated or compared with official statistics. Following a plausibility check of the results, the data will be transferred and entered into the network's database in spring 2023. The annual conference took place between 9 and 13 June in Valladolid, Spain. In addition to the network's evaluation results, the discussion centred on current developments and strategic challenges in global cash crop production.
Work 2025
In 2025, the College of Agricultural and Environmental Education will leave the IFCN project. This means that the BAB will be solely responsible for collecting farm data from next year. Initial contacts with advisors from the LKs have therefore already been established in 2024. Otherwise, the collection of data from two farm types (smaller organic farm, larger intensive farm) is planned again for 2025 as part of the IFCN network. This data will be collected on site with the farm managers in the first quarter, coordinated with advisors, checked for plausibility and entered into the network's data pool. Participation in the annual IFCN conference, workshops and online meetings is also planned again for 2025.
With regard to the agri benchmark network, the plan is to define a wetland farm in addition to the dryland farm, collect data and enter it into the joint database. The aim is also to use the network data for various analyses and to publish specialist articles. Here too, participation in the annual conference is planned, as well as in specialised workshops.