For the evaluation of the Austrian Rural Development Programme 2014-2020 (LE2020), the BMNT has defined a number of evaluation packages for the assessment of the different priorities of the programme. For the evaluation, the assessments of the individual project types are to be coordinated within the packages. Horizontal coordination work is also required between the packages. The evaluation work is to be carried out in parallel with the implementation of the programme. A selection of these tasks will be carried out by the Federal Institute for Mountain Farming.
The specific subject areas of the rural development programme for which BABF staff carry out evaluation tasks were defined in consultation with the BMLFUW in 2016. The activities relate to the conception of the evaluation of the relevant specialist topics, expert reports, data evaluations and other (preparatory) work in the respective specialist areas of the BABF staff.
The Federal Institute for Mining and Forestry is involved in the following specific evaluation tasks:
- Coordination of two substantive evaluation packages (evaluation of organic farming incl. the organic sector, evaluation package F and LEADER, evaluation package K); The corresponding coordination activities mainly comprise the following tasks: Designing, organising the accompanying evaluation of the evaluation package; considerations on the methodology of the evaluation (incl. additional indicators); contact person for other evaluation packages as well as for the unit responsible for priorities and for the overall coordination of the evaluation of the programme; interface with those responsible for implementation, evaluators and Department II/1; scientific and methodological support.
- Implementation of the measure-specific evaluation for Evaluation Package K and in Evaluation Package J (for the areas "Transport and Mobility"; participation in the topics "Social Infrastructure and Services" and "Broadband Infrastructure"). Specific evaluation activities include: Data analysis and answering the evaluation questions; contact person for coordinators of the evaluation package; reflection on the methodology, including additional indicators.
- Participation in the discussion of the overall evaluation, in the Sounding Board for the LEADER evaluation.
- In 2017, the National Interim Evaluation Report for LE 2014-20 for work packages D, E and F was completed on time in August.
- In 2018, the preparatory work for the evaluation report of the LE 2014-20 for work packages D, E, F and J was carried out.
- The work for the 2019 evaluation covers the same thematic priorities and foresees a timetable in a similar sequence as in 2017.
The evaluation work is carried out on behalf of the BMNT (Dept. II/1) and is to be prepared on an ongoing basis in accordance with the evaluation plan and EU requirements. Close cooperation is required for the individual evaluation topics with the respective BMNT departments. Particular focal points for the work of AIR 2019 are:
- Coordination of the evaluation work in the F (organic farming) and K (LEADER) packages
and K (LEADER)
- Participation in the conception, design and evaluation of accompanying studies
- Evaluation work for the measures of package K and individual measures of package J
- Preparation of contributions for the evaluation part of the AIR 2019 (according to schedule)
- In-depth/supplementary report end of August 2019
BF 150/16: Accompanying evaluation of the Austrian Programme for Rural Development 2014-202
Project Status