The Federal Institute for Agriculture was involved in various stages of the evaluations of the Rural Development Programmes as well as in the ex ante evaluation of the 2014-2020 programme. Now the topic of technical assistance within the framework of the Rural Development Programme 2014-2020 is also to be evaluated in accordance with EU requirements.
The objective of the project is to evaluate the payments made for "technical assistance" under the Rural Development Programme 2014-2020 according to the specifications and recommendations of the European Commission.
Status of the project
In 2018, preparatory work was carried out, such as checking data availability and conceptual considerations for the 2019 report.
Work 2019
In 2019, work needs to be carried out for the 2019 report. Payment data, indicator values and qualitative information on the evaluation criteria set by the EU, e.g. number of people involved in programme management, type and number of capacity building measures, number of communication and dissemination activities (Common Evaluation Question 20 of the Evaluation Guidelines) will be obtained, analysed and presented.
Project start: January 2018
End of project: December 2019