
BAB 014/05: EU rural development policy

At the request of the BMLFUW, the objectives of the project were extended beyond the 2007-2013 period of the Rural Development Programme to the new programme period 2014-2020. An important prerequisite for the project was research work on the overall programme, on individual measures/groups of measures, but also the analysis in connection with the first pillar of the Common Agricultural Policy, the Cohesion Policy and the EU Structural Funds. This work will be continued in the course of the discussion on the reorientation of the EU's Common Agricultural Policy and its implementation in the EU and in Austria after 2020.

Within the framework of this project, evaluation work is carried out, expert knowledge is contributed to the implementation of the programme, data evaluations and comparisons are carried out, work is done on the revision of the Less Favoured Area and work is carried out in the course of the discussions of the reorientation of the CAP after 2013, the implementation 2014-2020 and the discussion of the CAP after 2020.

In the years 2005-2016, expert reports and other documents were prepared for the BMNT (BMLFUW), evaluation work and data analyses were carried out on the revision of the Other Less Favoured Area, comments on consultation papers of the EU Commission and contributions to discussions on the Health Check of the Common Agricultural Policy, as well as proposals for the CAP 2014 - 2020 were analysed. Articles on the reform of the CAP in relation to mountain areas were written and opinions prepared for the EU Commission, as well as presentations and discussion events on CAP reform, development in mountain areas and the standardised labour input approach as a basis for direct payments. The EU Commission's proposals for regulations and the positions of the European Parliament and the European Council of Agriculture Ministers were an important point of reference in 2012-2013. On the basis of the TRILOG agreements on the CAP reform until 2020, the final legal texts and the implementation in the Member States, further analyses were prepared, articles written and presentations given in 2014 for the areas of the 1st and 2nd pillars of the CAP. This analysis, publication and presentation activity was continued in the years 2015 - 2018. The focus was on mountain areas and disadvantaged areas. For the workshop of the European Parliament's Committee on Agriculture to discuss the reform considerations of the CAP reform after 2020, considerations on the adaptation of the 2nd pillar were elaborated in a basic report and presented in the workshop (8 November 2016) and discussed with the members of the European Parliament. In 2017 and 2018, this basic work was repeatedly presented and put up for discussion or analyses were prepared for the CAP consultation, and the reports and results of this consultation and the draft papers of the EU Commission, NGOs, etc. on the reorientation of the CAP after 2020 were analysed. In 12018, the proposals of the EU Commission on the Multiannual Financial Framework 2021-2027 and the Regulation on the Modernisation and Simplification of the CAP were analysed and presented.

In 2019, further work was done to analyse the implementation of the CAP reform 2014-2020 and to analyse the international and national discussion and proposals for the upcoming CAP period after 2020.

The long-term project 014/05 (The EU Rural Development Policy) will be terminated as a stand-alone project at the end of 2019 and the activities on this project will be continued in the project AWI/184/18 (CAP post 2020).

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Project Status


Project Leader

HOVORKA, Gerhard

Dr. Gerhard HOVORKA

former employees


DAX, Thomas

Dr. Thomas Dax

former employees


former employees
LOIBL, Elisabeth Elisabeth LOIBL

former employees

Mag.a Theresia OEDL-Wieser

Rural Sociology and Library
TAMME, Oliver

M.Sc. Oliver TAMME

Mountain Areas Research and Regional Development
Dietrichgasse 27
1030 Wien
 +43 (1) 71100 - 637415

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