Federal Institute
Agricultural, Environmental and Food Systems

DI Dr. Christoph TRIBL

Agricultural, Environmental and Food Systems
Dietrichgasse 27
1030 Vienna
 +43 (1) 71100 - 637438
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Deputy Head of Department at the Federal Institute of Agricultural Economics, Rural and Mountain Research (Department of Agriculture, Environment and Food Systems), Vienna/AT (since 2019)
Research associate at the Federal Institute of Agricultural Economics, Rural and Mountain Research, Vienna/AT (since 2019)
Head of Department at the Federal Institute of Agricultural Economics (Department of Methodology, Data Preparation and Models), Vienna/AT (2015-2018)
Research associate at the Federal Institute of Agricultural Economics, Vienna/AT (2006-2018)
Research associate at the Technical University of Munich/DE (Environmental Economics and Agricultural Policy Group) (2003-2005)
Doctoral studies of Economics at the Technical University of Munich/DE (Dr. rer. pol. 2012)
Studies of Agricultural Economics at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna/AT (DI 2002)
Foreign Studies at the University of Wales, Aberystwyth/UK (February - June 2002)

Main fields of work:

  • Economic and statistical analyses
  • Development of econometric models, mathematical programming models, simulation models etc.
  • Analyses of the impacts of changes in agricultural policy and other factors on the agricultural sector or on farms
  • Agricultural economic analyses on research questions related to agriculture, environment and food systems (e.g., provision of public goods and of ecosystem services by agriculture, interactions between land use and the environment)
  • Elaboration of forecasts of unpaid farm labour in agriculture in the context of the Economic Accounts for Agriculture using econometric models
  • Evaluation (measures of the rural development programme, national strategy of operational programmes of producer organisations)
  • Risk management in agriculture, income stabilisation
  • Industrial organization analyses (e.g., spatial competition of food processors)

Participation in committees:

  • Participation in working groups, e.g., of the Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Development and Tourism (e.g., evaluation)
  • Participation of Statistics Austria (Economic Accounts for Agriculture)
  • Participation in international working parties (e.g., OECD)

BAB 072/24: Preparation, data management and evaluation of selected evaluation

topics of the Austrian CAP Strategic Plan 2023-2027 and the Rural Development Program 2014-2020 Initial situation As in the previous funding periods, the evaluation measures in the...

BAB 056/22: Applying an agri-food systems approach

Basic principles and an analysis using the example of conflicting goals in land use Initial situation UN sustainability goals, the European Green Deal (with the "Farm to Fork" strategy,...

BAB 045/20: COVID-19 Lessons learnt

Context With the beginning of the Covi9-19 crisis in March 2020, weaknesses of the Austrian and global economic system became visible. The initiative for the research project was already taken in...

BAB 043/20: Vulnerability of Austrian food production to crises due to the consequences of Covid-19

Initial situation With the "measures" that the federal government has taken to contain the spread of the Covid-19 virus, the food supply of the population, and thus the food value chain, has...

BAB 040/20: Biophysical processes of agricultural land use in Austria

modelling and analysis Initial situation In times of climate change and increasingly limited resources, Austrian agriculture is caught between economic efficiency and ecologically...

BAB 034/20: Evaluation of the national strategy for operational programs of fruit and vegetable producer organisations

Recognized producer organizations (POs) for fruit and vegetables can develop so-called "Operational Programs" (OP) within the framework of the common organization of agricultural markets,...

AWI/58/18 W: Ongoing Evaluation of the Rural Development Programme 2014-2020

Coordination of "Evaluation Package B" - Improving Farm Viability and Competitiveness Initial situation The Federal Institute for Agricultural Economics was involved in various stages...

AWI 180/17: Options for stabilising income of agricultural holdings

Initial situation The income of a farm fluctuates because the components of income (volumes, prices, agricultural payments, etc.) also fluctuate. Various influencing factors are cited in...

AWI/49/16 W: Functions and services of agriculture and their value to society

Agriculture provides a wide range of functions and services that go far beyond the cultivation of agricultural land and the production of food. In addition to pure agricultural production or...

AWI/50/16 W: Development of a method for time series analyses based on Austrian farm accountancy data

The network of farms keeping voluntary accounts has been providing comprehensive data on the income situation of agriculture and forestry in Austria for many years. However, ongoing...

BAB 012/05: Structuring and management of the data pool

Initial situation Work on facilitating access to and use of the INVEKOS data has so far been carried out mainly by Department II/1 of the BML. The current scope of the data offered is documented...

BAB 011/05: Preparation of the bases for the Green Report and FADN as well as its scientific further development

Objective Section 16 of the Federal Offices Act (Bundesämtergesetz i.d.g.F.) stipulates that the Federal Agency for Agriculture and Mountain Farming is responsible for the preparation of the...
Dietrichgasse 27
1030 Wien
 +43 (1) 71100 - 637415

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