Federal Institute
Mountain Areas Research and Regional Development

M.Sc. Oliver TAMME

Mountain Areas Research and Regional Development
Dietrichgasse 27
1030 Vienna
 +43 (1) 71100 - 637517
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Senior Researcher at the Federal Institute for Agricultural Aconomics, Rural and Mountain Research, Vienna, since 1997
Studies of Sociology, History and Political science at Universität Wien (M.Sc. 1996)

Main fields of work:

  • Rural development
  • Funding measures of the rural development program (rural road infrastructure, broadband supply, climate friendly mobility)
  • Mountain areas and less-favoured areas
  • Mobility in rural areas
  • Services of general interest (social and economic infrastructure supply in rural areas)
  • Sustainable, green tourism in Mountaineering Villages as implementation project of the Alpine Convention

Participation in committees:

  • Participation in subcommittees of the Austrian Conference on Spatial Planning (ÖROK)
  • Participation in diverse working groups focusing on regional statistics and/or economies

BAB 084/25: Sustainable innovative business models for the rural space NEXRUR

Rural areas and agriculture are facing major economic, social and environmental challenges in relation to climate change, the loss of biodiversity and water supply (see Long-term Vision for EU...

BAB 072/24: Preparation, data management and evaluation of selected evaluation

topics of the Austrian CAP Strategic Plan 2023-2027 and the Rural Development Program 2014-2020 As in the previous funding periods, evaluation will play an important role in the implementation...

BAB 066/23: Empowering Rural Communities to Act for Change - RURACTIVE (Horizon Europe Projekt)

Around one third of EU citizens (two thirds in Austria) live in rural regions, but GDP per capita there is below average. The inequalities between urban and rural communities in...

BAB 063/22: Communicating roots: co-learning to improve rural resilience and governance - CoROOTS (ERASMUS+ Projekt)

Co-learning methods to improve resilience management in rural areas The project was applied for on the initiative of the Prout Research Institute in Portugal in order to enable a scientific...

BAB 062/22: Rural Sustainability Transitions through Integration of Knowledge for improved policy processes - RUSTIK

Horizon Europe Projekt The project has been tendered in the Horizon Europe Programme under the thematic area of promoting "resilient rural communities" under the title "Grasping rural diversity...

BAB 037/20: Rural youth and sustainability

Initial situation and objective In the project Youth in the Countryside and Sustainability, it was planned to investigate the attitudes towards ecological conditions of adolescents and...

BAB 034/20: Evaluation of the national strategy for operational programs of fruit and vegetable producer organisations

Recognized producer organizations (POs) for fruit and vegetables can develop so-called "Operational Programs" (OP) within the framework of the common organization of agricultural markets,...

BAB 025/19: The Mountaineering Villages Initiative as an implementation project of the Alpine Convention

The Mountaineering Villages Initiative was conceived by the Spatial Planning and Nature Conservation Department of the Austrian Alpine Association in 2008. The framework of the initiative is the...

BF 155/17: Rural Space 4.0? - Stocktaking and Critical Reception

Désirée Ehlers, Oliver Tamme The progressive spread of the internet (keyword digitalisation) in almost all areas of life has gone hand in hand with rapid technical development in recent years....

BF 157/17: ESPON ALPS 2050. Common spatial perspectives for the Alpine area. Towards a common vision

The alpine space is characterized by a great territorial diversity, ranging from specific morphological differences between the northern and southern, western and eastern alpine space to...

BF 150/16: Accompanying evaluation of the Austrian Programme for Rural Development 2014-202

For the evaluation of the Austrian Rural Development Programme 2014-2020 (LE2020), the BMNT has defined a number of evaluation packages for the assessment of the different priorities of...

BF 152/16: Climate change adaptation and protection from natural hazards: Capacity building for people with migration background in Austria (CCCapMig)

Ingrid Machold, Thomas Dax, Oliver Tamme, Thilo Nigmann The Austrian Climate Fund supports research projects that deal with aspects of climate change, its impacts in Austria and...
Dietrichgasse 27
1030 Wien
 +43 (1) 71100 - 637415

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