Federal Institute
Mountain Areas Research and Regional Development


Mountain Areas Research and Regional Development
Dietrichgasse 27
1030 Vienna
 +43 (1) 71100 - 637419
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Research associate at the Federal Institute of Agricultural Economics, Rural and Mountain Research, Vienna/AT (since 2020)
Studies of Geoinformatics at ZGIS Salzburg/AT (2019-2020)
Project staff and operational project manager in the areas of environmental education, rural development, ArcGIS and AutoCAD, soil function evaluation, research projects, environmental impact assessment at LACON OG - Technical Office for Landscape Planning and Consulting, Vienna/AT (2014-2019)
Project staff in the areas of mapping, digitization (ArcGIS) and evaluation of the orchards in the districts of Jennersdorf, Güssing and Oberwart at Holler, engineering office for cultural engineering & water management, nature and landscape protection, Tobaj/AT (2014)
Studies of Landscape Planning and Landscape Architecture at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna/AT (DI 2013)
Master's thesis: Extended energy zone planning as the basis for municipal energy planning - illustrated using the example of the municipality Yspertal

Main fields of work:

  • Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
  • Geodata management
  • Research projects on rural development and mountain area policy
  • Agricultural, regional and social structure Analysis of rural areas

BAB 064/23: A European Forum for Revitalisation of Marginalised Mountain Areas (COST Action) - MARGISTAR

Initial situation The COST project MARGISTAR was approved in May 2022 (COST Action CA21125) and the networking of partners started with the Management Committee Meeting in November 2022. The...

BAB 062/22: Rural Sustainability Transitions through Integration of Knowledge for improved policy processes - RUSTIK

Horizon Europe Projekt The project has been tendered in the Horizon Europe Programme under the thematic area of promoting "resilient rural communities" under the title "Grasping rural diversity...

BAB 050/21: Soil Data Analysis - Financial Soil Estimation and Soil Mapping (BODAT)

In the BODAT project, possible applications of the two area-related soil data sets (financial soil valuation, soil map) of Austria were evaluated and possibilities of use for agricultural...

BAB 049/21: Open Data Cube as data repository and analysis tool for drought monitoring

Development of analysis tools for recurring agricultural policy issues based on the example of drought monitoring Initial situation A data cube (ODC) was set up at the Federal Institute...

BAB 048/21: Image matching of aerial imagery using graphics processors to create up-to-date surface models.

Initial situation The aerial images for the entire Austrian federal territory are updated in a three-year cycle, with around one third of the national territory being reflown each year. These...

BAB 044/20: The Challenge of Land Abandonment after 2020 and Options for Mitigating Measures

Initial situation The problem of abandonment of agricultural land is a central challenge for many European regions in view of the efforts to achieve sustainable development. Within the framework...

BAB 028/19: Integrated Flood Risk Management in Mountain Areas

Assessing Sectoral Interdependencies, Conflicts and Options for Policy Coordination Initial situation Since 1980, Europe has been affected by around 700 damaging flood events, causing over...

BAB 012/05: Structuring and management of the data pool

Initial situation Work on facilitating access to and use of the INVEKOS data has so far been carried out mainly by Department II/1 of the BML. The current scope of the data offered is documented...

BAB 003/86: Economic analysis and consultancy relating to OECD and WTO

Baseline Within the framework of OECD bodies, OECD member and partner countries exchange information in committees and working groups on various topics of policy implementation and...
Dietrichgasse 27
1030 Wien
 +43 (1) 71100 - 637415

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