Federal Institute


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1030 Vienna
 +43 (1) 71100 - 637487
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Staff unit ICT at the Federal Institute of Agricultural Economics, Rural and Mountain Research, Vienna/AT (since 2019)
Management of ICT at the Federal Institute of Agricultural Economics, Vienna (1997-2018)
Employed in the field of agricultural statistics at the Federal Institute for Agricultural Economics, Vienna (1994-1997)
University College for Agrarian and Environmental Pedagogy, Vienna/AT
Federal College for Alpine Agriculture Ursprung/Elixhausen, Salzburg (A-levels 1985)

Main fields of work:

  • ICT design, planning and procurement
  • Technical coordination and organization
  • Windows server and clients
  • IT-Solutions
  • Emergency concepts

BAB 027/19: D-ESS - Time Recording Intranet-based Human Resource Management and Project Controlling

Development of a web-based, modular time recording and resource planning system at the participating departments. The system must be based on open source; the data, programming and database must...

AWI/182/18: Digitizing Austrian secondary colleges for agriculture and forestry

Nowadays, digitalisation affects all areas of life, work and the world of work. Anyone who wants to actively participate in this social and technological development needs digital skills...

AWI/50/16 W: Development of a method for time series analyses based on Austrian farm accountancy data

The network of farms keeping voluntary accounts has been providing comprehensive data on the income situation of agriculture and forestry in Austria for many years. However, ongoing...

BAB 012/05: Structuring and management of the data pool

Work on facilitating access to and use of the INVEKOS data has so far been carried out mainly by Department II/1 of the BML. The current scope of the data offered is documented in the form of...

BAB 011/05: Preparation of the bases for the Green Report and FADN as well as its scientific further development

Section 16 of the Federal Offices Act (Bundesämtergesetz i.d.g.F.) stipulates that the Federal Agency for Agriculture and Mountain Farming is responsible for the preparation of the Green Report....
Dietrichgasse 27
1030 Wien
 +43 (1) 71100 - 637415

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