Federal Institute
Rural Sociology and Library

DI.in Dr.in  Erika QUENDLER

Rural Sociology and Library
Dietrichgasse 27
1030 Vienna
 +43 (1) 71100 - 637427
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Research associate at the Federal Institute of Agricultural economics, Rural and Mountain research, Vienna/AT (since 2019)
Research associate at the Federal Institute of Agricultural Economics, Vienna/AT (2006-2018)
Traineeship at the European Commission, Brussels/BE (2010)
Doctoral studies of Agricultural Economics at the
University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna/AT (Dr.in 2004)
Studies of Agricultural Economics at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna/AT (DIin 1996)

Main fields of work:

  • National Agricultural Accounts
  • Quality of life, sustainability and resilience
  • Surveys, e.g. transfer of family farm ownership to a third party, female farmers, digital transformation

Participation in committees:

  • Working group National Agricultural Accounting, Statistics Austria
  • Working group Regional Agricultural Accounting, Statistics Austria
  • Reviewer: De-Witty Journal of Agricultural Science, ELSEVIER, Open Agriculture, Studies of Higher Education


BAB 072/24: Preparation, data management and evaluation of selected evaluation

topics of the Austrian CAP Strategic Plan 2023-2027 and the Rural Development Program 2014-2020 As in the previous funding periods, evaluation will play an important role in the implementation...

BAB 045/20: COVID-19 Lessons learnt

Context With the beginning of the Covi9-19 crisis in March 2020, weaknesses of the Austrian and global economic system became visible. The initiative for the research project was already taken in...

BAB 025/19: The Mountaineering Villages Initiative as an implementation project of the Alpine Convention

The Mountaineering Villages Initiative was conceived by the Spatial Planning and Nature Conservation Department of the Austrian Alpine Association in 2008. The framework of the initiative is the...

BAB 021/19: Preparation of a central data portal for agriculture

Initial situation Digitalisation and the internet are not only shaping our daily private and professional lives. Even in agriculture, it would be hard to imagine working without...

AWI/182/18: Digitizing Austrian secondary colleges for agriculture and forestry

Nowadays, digitalisation affects all areas of life, work and the world of work. Anyone who wants to actively participate in this social and technological development needs digital skills...

AWI/49/16 W: Functions and services of agriculture and their value to society

Agriculture provides a wide range of functions and services that go far beyond the cultivation of agricultural land and the production of food. In addition to pure agricultural production or...

BAB 013/05: Mapping Gender

Analysis and graphical presentation of gender-disaggregated data in the field of agriculture and rural areas Gender-adequate and gender-equitable statistics - gender statistics - should help...

BAB 005/96: Agricultural economic accounts

The introduction of the European System of Accounts (ESA95) required the compilation of the Economic Accounts for Agriculture (EAA) according to the specifications of the EUROSTAT...
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