Federal Institute
Data pool


Data pool
Dietrichgasse 27
1030 Vienna
 +43 (1) 71100 - 637482
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Head of Staff Unit Data pool at the Federal Institute of Agricultural Economics, Rural and Mountain Research, Vienna/AT (since 2021)
Research assistant at the Institute of Agricultural Economics at the University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences (1999 - 2001)
Study of Agricultural Economics at University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences, Vienna/AT (DI)
University assistant at the Institute of Agricultural Economics of the University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences (2001 - 2002)

Main fields of work:

  • Management data pool
  • Data protection officer of BAB
  • Production forecasts
  • Agricultural economic research
  • Agricultural price indices
  • Agricultural statistics
  • Market reviews, brief studies, expert reports, scientific statements, slaughtering report for EUROSTAT
  • Cattle and pig sectors
  • Preparation of cattle livestock
  • Agricultural foreign trade

Participation in committees:

  • EUROSTAT (Working Group on Animal Production Statistics)
  • STATISTIK AUSTRIA (Advisory boards Foreign Trade, Milk Production, Aquaculture, Commercial Orchardry)
  • STATISTIK AUSTRIA (Feedback groups Supply Balances, Commercial Orchardry, Yield Survey, Cattle Livestock, Pig Livestock Survey)

BAB 070/24: Transparency of agricultural value chains

The crises of the recent past (war in Ukraine, SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, inflation rates) have once again highlighted the need for information and data on material flows within the value chains...

BAB 059/22: Regional agricultural value chains

Robust Food Supply Chains in Austria The reliable supply of high-quality food to the Austrian population has become the focus of public debate in recent years, not least due to the large number of...

BAB 057/22: Processing capacities for oilseeds and protein crops in Austria

Even before the current Covid-19 pandemic, the cultivation of protein crops in Austria, their development potential and the associated security of supply have become the focus of...

BAB 045/20: COVID-19 Lessons learnt

Context With the beginning of the Covi9-19 crisis in March 2020, weaknesses of the Austrian and global economic system became visible. The initiative for the research project was already taken in...

BAB 043/20: Vulnerability of Austrian food production to crises due to the consequences of Covid-19

Initial situation With the "measures" that the federal government has taken to contain the spread of the Covid-19 virus, the food supply of the population, and thus the food value chain, has...

AWI/183/18: Feeding protein balance

Imports of protein feed, especially in the form of soya and soya meal, are repeatedly the subject of discussions and criticism, especially from the environmental protection side, whereby the focus...

BAB 017/18: Agricultural Price Indices

At the beginning of 2016, responsibility for compiling the agricultural price indices (EU and national) was transferred to the Austrian Federal Statistical Office and the Federal Institute...

BAB 012/05: Structuring and management of the data pool

Work on facilitating access to and use of the INVEKOS data has so far been carried out mainly by Department II/1 of the BML. The current scope of the data offered is documented in the form of...

BAB 011/05: Preparation of the bases for the Green Report and FADN as well as its scientific further development

Section 16 of the Federal Offices Act (Bundesämtergesetz i.d.g.F.) stipulates that the Federal Agency for Agriculture and Mountain Farming is responsible for the preparation of the Green Report....

BAB 001/76: Econometric models of the Austrian pig and cattle market

Agricultural policy, administration and the EU institutions (EU Regulation 1165/2008) require information on the development of agricultural markets in order to fulfill their legal duties....
Dietrichgasse 27
1030 Wien
 +43 (1) 71100 - 637415

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