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- HOVORKA, Gerhard
BF 151/16: The development of social networks for the direct marketing of fruit and vegetables
as well as for the integration of asylum seekers in rural areas The central concern is the use of local resources, especially with regard to the offer of regional organic products, as well as...
BF 143/15: Public Ecosystem Goods and Services from land management – Unlocking the Synergies (PEGASUS)
Gerhard Hovorka, Thomas Dax, Josef Hoppichler, Thilo Nigmann The management of agricultural and forestry land increasingly includes the provision of public goods and the provision of...
BAB 016/11: Structural analysis of agricultural and forestry enterprises
The aim of the project was to present statistically observable phenomena from databases (e.g. INVEKOS, agricultural structure survey) that have not been sufficiently analysed so far. Supplementary...
BAB 014/05: EU rural development policy
At the request of the BMLFUW, the objectives of the project were extended beyond the 2007-2013 period of the Rural Development Programme to the new programme period 2014-2020. An...
BAB 002/86: Preparation of documents for the mountain farm cadastre (BHK) and the severity point system
Ongoing cooperation in the "Federal Commission for the Survey and Evaluation of the Hardship Conditions of Mountain Farms" (BUKO) as well as in the editorial and project team of the BUKO was the...