Deputy director and research associate at the Federal Institute of Agricultural Economics, Rural and Mountain Research (BAB), Vienna/AT (since 2019)
Research associate at the Federal Institute of Less-Favoured and Mountainous Areas, Vienna/AT (1985-2018)
Lecturer at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna/AT (since 2003)
Research programme assistant at the Federal Ministry of Science and Research, Vienna/AT (1984-1985)
Doctoral studies of Social and Economic Sciences at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna/AT (Dr. 2017)
Studies of Regional Planning and Regional Development at the Technical University of Vienna/AT (DI 1983)
Main fields of work:
- Studies of mountain development research
- Analysis of regional development
- Studies on rural development and rural policy
- Analyses of less-favoured and remote areas
- Local development and initiatives
- Regional innovation
- Mountain tourism
- Land management and natural resources
Participation in committees:
- Austrian delegate to the OECD working groups Working Party on Rural Policy (WPRUR) and Working Party on Territorial Indicators (WPTI)
- Collaboration in international research networks on research cooperation (EU Framework Programme, ESPON) and on topics of mountain development research (BAB representation in ‘Mountain Partnership’ and NEMOR, the European network for mountain research, as well as in EUROMONTANA and Alpine Convention working groups)
- Participation as expert in Deputy Committee of the Austrian Conference on Spatial Planning and in various working groups on regional development issues