Federal Institute
former employees

Dr. Thomas Dax

former employees
Dietrichgasse 27
1030 Vienna
 +43 (1) 71100 - 637528
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Deputy director and research associate at the Federal Institute of Agricultural Economics, Rural and Mountain Research (BAB), Vienna/AT (since 2019)
Research associate at the Federal Institute of Less-Favoured and Mountainous Areas, Vienna/AT (1985-2018)
Lecturer at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna/AT (since 2003)
Research programme assistant at the Federal Ministry of Science and Research, Vienna/AT (1984-1985)
Doctoral studies of Social and Economic Sciences at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna/AT (Dr. 2017)
Studies of Regional Planning and Regional Development at the Technical University of Vienna/AT (DI 1983)

Main fields of work:

  • Studies of mountain development research
  • Analysis of regional development
  • Studies on rural development and rural policy
  • Analyses of less-favoured and remote areas
  • Local development and initiatives
  • Regional innovation
  • Mountain tourism
  • Land management and natural resources

Participation in committees:

  • Austrian delegate to the OECD working groups Working Party on Rural Policy (WPRUR) and Working Party on Territorial Indicators (WPTI)
  • Collaboration in international research networks on research cooperation (EU Framework Programme, ESPON) and on topics of mountain development research (BAB representation in ‘Mountain Partnership’ and NEMOR, the European network for mountain research, as well as in EUROMONTANA and Alpine Convention working groups)
  • Participation as expert in Deputy Committee of the Austrian Conference on Spatial Planning and in various working groups on regional development issues

BAB 044/20: The Challenge of Land Abandonment after 2020 and Options for Mitigating Measures

Initial situation The problem of abandonment of agricultural land is a central challenge for many European regions in view of the efforts to achieve sustainable development. Within the framework...

BAB 039/20: MATILDE – Migration impact assessment

Final report MATILDE - Migration impact assessment to enhance Integration and Local Development in European rural and mountain regions (Social and economic impact assessment to enhance integration...

BAB 030/19: Implementing LEADER in Mestia municipality for better livelihoods in high mountainous regions of Georgia

The research project BAB 030/19 "Implementing LEADER in Mestia municipality for better livelihoods in high mountainous regions of Georgia - GEO945" was completed in 2023. The Federal Institute...

BAB 029/19: ESCAPE – European Shrinking Rural Areas (2)

Challenges, Actions and Perspectives for Territorial Governance Initial situation In many rural areas of Europe, a long-lasting population decline can be observed, which could hardly be...

BAB 025/19: The Mountaineering Villages Initiative as an implementation project of the Alpine Convention

The Mountaineering Villages Initiative was conceived by the Spatial Planning and Nature Conservation Department of the Austrian Alpine Association in 2008. The framework of the initiative is the...

BF 156/17: ROBUST - Rural-Urban Outlooks: Unlocking Synergies

Objective Spatial development processes are increasingly characterised by exchange relationships between different regions. This also includes the different spatial types, so that...

BF 157/17: ESPON ALPS 2050. Common spatial perspectives for the Alpine area. Towards a common vision

The alpine space is characterized by a great territorial diversity, ranging from specific morphological differences between the northern and southern, western and eastern alpine space to...

BF 150/16: Accompanying evaluation of the Austrian Programme for Rural Development 2014-202

For the evaluation of the Austrian Rural Development Programme 2014-2020 (LE2020), the BMNT has defined a number of evaluation packages for the assessment of the different priorities of...

BF 152/16: Climate change adaptation and protection from natural hazards: Capacity building for people with migration background in Austria (CCCapMig)

Ingrid Machold, Thomas Dax, Oliver Tamme, Thilo Nigmann The Austrian Climate Fund supports research projects that deal with aspects of climate change, its impacts in Austria and...

BF 146/15: A New Approach for Rural Development in Georgia (LEADER – Georgien)

The research project was carried out within the framework of the EU Neighbourhood Programme for Agriculture and Rural Development (ENPARD Georgia) in cooperation with the coordinator...

BF 141/15: Diversity and Resilience

Dynamics and development paths of socio-ecological systems, illustrated by the Salzburg Lungau and Carinthian Nockberge Biosphere Reserve Biosphere parks contribute to the conservation and...

BF 143/15: Public Ecosystem Goods and Services from land management – Unlocking the Synergies (PEGASUS)

Gerhard Hovorka, Thomas Dax, Josef Hoppichler, Thilo Nigmann The management of agricultural and forestry land increasingly includes the provision of public goods and the provision of...
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1030 Wien
 +43 (1) 71100 - 637415

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