Federal Institute


Dietrichgasse 27
1030 Vienna
 +43 (1) 71100 - 637512
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Research assistant at the Federal Institute of Agricultural Economics, Rural and Mountain Research, Vienna/AT (since 2021)
Software Developer at the Agency for Digitisation, High-Speed Internet and Surveying, Bavaria
Geospatial Technologies at Karl-Franzens-University and TU Graz (MSc 2018)
Environmental System Sciences with focus on Geography at Karl-Franzens-University Graz (BSc 2012)

Main fields of work:

  • Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
  • Geodata management
  • Cluster, Linux, Proxmox
  • Datapool

BAB 076/25: Development of alpine pasture farming with a special focus on land abandonment

Alpine pasture farming plays a central role in the preservation of the traditional Austrian cultural landscape and, when used sustainably, provides important ecosystem services such as...

BAB 071/24: DBZ – webbased dashboard for operational analysis

A constantly growing amount of data with an increased need for availability and user-friendliness also poses growing challenges for the BAB. Numerous interfaces to the population (e.g....

BAB 069/24: Open Source Data Pipeline & Database for HyDaMS (Hydrographisches Daten Management System)

As part of the co-operation between the federal and provincial governments required by the Water Act, a monitoring network is operated to determine the water balance in Austria. This data...

BAB 059/22: Regional agricultural value chains

Robust Food Supply Chains in Austria The reliable supply of high-quality food to the Austrian population has become the focus of public debate in recent years, not least due to the large number of...

BAB 049/21: Open Data Cube as data repository and analysis tool for drought monitoring

Development of analysis tools for recurring agricultural policy issues based on the example of drought monitoring A data cube (ODC) was set up at the Federal Institute of Agricultural Economics...

BAB 048/21: Image matching of aerial imagery using graphics processors to create up-to-date surface models.

The aerial images for the entire Austrian federal territory are updated in a three-year cycle, with around one third of the national territory being reflown each year. These aerial surveys are...

BAB 012/05: Structuring and management of the data pool

Work on facilitating access to and use of the INVEKOS data has so far been carried out mainly by Department II/1 of the BML. The current scope of the data offered is documented in the form of...
Dietrichgasse 27
1030 Wien
 +43 (1) 71100 - 637415

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