Data pool
The unit is in charge of the BAB data pool, data protection for this pool and for the Institute, production forecasts and the online data service, controlling, compilation and rebasing of the agricultural price index, analysis of agricultural foreign trade, compilation of the Austrian cattle population, research work on agricultural economics and agricultural statistics, compilation of the slaughter data report to Eurostat, and representation of the BAB and the ministry in national and international bodies.
The data pool provides access to the entire department-relevant data in a simple manner through a uniform interface. The relevant data are sourced from the following:
- Municipalities;
- GDI-L GDS geodata collection;
- GIS;
- Accounting;
- Agricultural structure surveys;
- Foreign trade data;
- Green Report tables;
- Data of the working groups for pork, milk and beef;
- IDB (Interactive Gross Margins) and calculations;
- Slaughters;
- Prices;
- Rural Development Financial Plans.
As a central project of the BAB, it comprises file-based, vector and raster data in various applications and databases. It provides the databases for many research areas and projects at the BAB, the ministry, its departments and for various research partners.
Data pool