Rural Sociology and Library
The Department of Rural Sociology is concerned with social development in agriculture, forestry and the food industry and addresses issues of social change along with challenges in rural areas. The changing framework conditions and structural changes have in many cases led to a repositioning of agriculture towards diversification and a reassessment of economic activities in the last decades. This becomes visible in the regions through a wide range of locally produced food, new services and changes in land-use, as well as increased cooperation with actors from different fields such as tourism, nature and environmental protection and alternative food networks.
A major task of rural sociology is to focus on rural areas with their different problems and potentials, but to include the multifaceted exchange relationships and mutual interdependencies with urban and peri-urban regions. This is of particular relevance given the impact of globalization, climate change as part of multiple crises, rapid changes in the work environment, demographic processes, and political shifts.
The Department of Rural Sociology applies quantitative and qualitative research methods to a wide range of topics. Inter and transdisciplinary research projects are implemented through participation in national and international research collaborations. Research focuses on topics such as social capital formation in rural areas, green care, diversification of agricultural activities and services, greater integration of gender equality and equal opportunities in rural development programs and structures, development and implementation of social innovations in disadvantaged peripheral areas, resilience of the agricultural system, as well as demographic changes such as aging and migration and their effects in rural sub-areas.
Along with the changing social, societal and economic conditions, these topics are also developing dynamically. Rural sociology contributes insights and concepts to understand social upheavals and transformations in rural areas and makes structural disadvantages visible. In this respect, focusing on rural areas also entails addressing the impacts of limited access to mobility, digitalization, and services of general interest on the quality of life and living, and developing perspectives for emancipatory policies in rural areas.
The Department of Rural Sociology furthermore houses the Institute's own special library, which currently comprises a literature stock of about 52,000 books, 180 journals and about 160 series (yearbooks, activity reports, green reports, national and international agricultural statistics). Further information about the library, borrowing conditions, DABIS-online catalogue, etc. can be found under the following link: xy